#the potential for something good is there I think even if they just want to further cash into DE's success
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When portraying the character as a 'Strong Female Character' becomes more important than giving her character and personality, then yes. We're not going to connect with her.
The perfect example that I can think of is the contrast between animated Mulan and live action Mulan.
Animated Mulan achieves some amazing feats, she saves China, for goodness sake.
And yet, she doesn't lose her vulnerability, she has to work hard to get to where she needs to be.
And we love her, because she's real! Of course she doesn't get into the army and can do everything the same way as the men.
Clearly she's got some serious potential, waiting to be let out. But she hasn't got the same bodily strength and speed as her fellow soldiers.
She has to put in extra time and effort, which pays off in buckets.
There's something of Joan of Arc to be seen in Mulan. I remember watching a video about the French National Saint, and it was speculated that she probably didn't do much of the hand to hand fighting, but there's good reason to believe that she had very good leadership skills.
She lead her men in battle and they were inspired to follow her.
And we see that with Mulan, she's a soldier, not an officer, but once her comrades realise that the woman Mulan is still the same person as the man Ping, they listen to her, and realise that her ideas have the makings of success.
She doesn't lose any of this by having her love story with Shang. In fact they have a fascinating journey together, as Shang learns to love the woman that he grew to like and respect when she was pretending to be a man. He learns why she did it, and he respects that family loyalty. He realises that it's all the same person in the end.
And he's proud to be able to say that his wife saved China!
Contrast to live action Mulan. What can we say about her? She's got super powers so of course she can already whoop every ass in her way.
No coconut for guessing which is the more satisfying character to watch. 🙄
With animated Snow White we get the strength of her pure heart. All she wishes for is to be loved and spoken to kindly.
The animals aren't afraid of her, because they know there's no cruelty in her.
The dwarves are happy to give her a home because she's willing to give back to them by keeping house.
My theory about The Prince is that there had to be something extra special about this girl for him to keep looking for her.
In his world beautiful girls who can sing will be plentiful.
If Snow White was just a pretty servant that he wanted to have fun with, why go all out to find her again?
Cinderella (both animated and live action) shows the power of never giving into bitterness. She keeps believing in the power of dreams and she loves, despite the only kindness that she gets is from her animal friends.
Animated Belle loves her father and when the condition of her father's freedom is for her to remain with The Beast, she does it, even though it breaks her heart. Loyalty and Honour.
And she's determined to make the best of the situation. She gets to know the castle. She takes the time to get to know The Beast, and as she's showing interest in him, it makes him want to know and care about her.
The more "empowered" Disney tries to write their heroines as, the less interesting and charismatic they become, ironically.
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With April Fool's day approaching, here are some basic prank guidelines if you want to be sure your prank isn't going too far and actually being a jerk instead of being funny:
First and foremost, definitely avoid anything that could result in bodily harm to the prankee and/or yourself.
Anything that causes severe emotional distress, like faking what would be a traumatic event if it was real. "___ died, April fool's no they didn't" or "I am divorcing you or breaking up with you, April fool's no I'm not." are cruel and going too far. If it could make them cry it's going too far.
Speaking of causing severe emotional distress, triggering phobias isn't funny. What's the difference between jumping around a corner and shouting "boo!" at your friend (who you know well enough that they'd be okay with this) vs. shoving a real live spider in the face of your arachnophobic friend while they cry and plead with you to get it away from them? With hopping around a corner and shouting "boo!" there is a second of their startle reflex being triggered, but then after a brief second of experiencing a startle reflex they quickly realize there's not actually anything to be afraid of, it's just their pal jumping and saying "boo!". With a spider in their face, that is something ongoing that is bringing them distress and alarm, if they have aracnophobia there is no "aha okay so there really is no danger" no, even if they logically know that a house spider can't actually hurt them their brain is still flooding them with "danger!! danger!!" signals and seriously distressing them, which isn't funny, and just makes you cruel and sadistic.
And speaking of "startle reflex" jokes and pranks, such as jumping out from around a corner and shouting "boo!", be careful with who you do this to. Not only do some people involuntarily hit people who startle them (so you could get yourself hurt from this), but not everyone finds these funny and in good taste. Especially if someone might have a heart condition or certain types of trauma. Sometimes close friends and family members are okay with doing these kinds of pranks to each other, but a lot of people don't like them and find them to be rude or even cruel. It would certainly be rude to do this to a stranger for the reasons listed above (potential heart conditions and/or PTSD)
Do not disrupt people trying to do their job and/or tamper with their ability to do their job. Do not call emergency services and try to prank emergency services, this could actually cost lives. Do not be mean to service workers and/or create messes and other unnecessary extra work for them. That is rude. They already have to deal with constant verbal abuse from customers all day every day and are not being paid enough to deal with that + you throwing a drink at them through the drive through window that they have to clean up now. I'm not going to say that pranking someone on the clock is always wrong/rude 100% of the time, I think there is some nuance here, especially between co-workers who are aware of each other's workload and what would be too disruptive. But you should never create extra unnecessary work for someone (such as cleaning up a mess you made) and you should never disrupt or tamper with their ability to carry out their job. And most of all, never be mean in your "pranking".
In general, a good rule of thumb for a good prank is that both the prankster and the prankee should be laughing and amused after the prank is completed and revealed. If the prank ends in only the prankster laughing and feeling amused while the prankee is upset / distressed / angry after the fact, I would personally categorize this more as bullying than pranking.
Please feel free to add on if anyone can thank of other guidelines for April Fool's pranks.
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Could you do something similar to the one where we’re rocket but instead spider man for the invincible characters.
Just a Friendly Neighborhood Spider
A/N… spider, spider spideyyy— spiders scare the hell out of meeeee; but Spider-Man is nice. I don’t know if I got issues there but eh— anyway that’s my two cents. Content is the generally same here.
Canon-divergent themes, included mention of spider-mans common backstory, mentions of past stress, found-family, platonic relationships, their asses does not know how your still okay as a hero

Cecil Stedman
You and Cecil meet under unusual circumstances—Cecil approached you after hearing about you from various sources. He’s heard of a new vigilante with superhuman abilities running around, and while you aren’t a part of an official superhero league, Cecil sees potential.
Your first encounter is awkward. You swing in and lands on top of a building, ready for a fight, expecting a confrontation with someone shady. Instead, Cecil stands calmly with his arms crossed, unimpressed by your acrobatics.
You’re skeptical about Cecil at first. Having heard of the Global Defense Agency and their somewhat questionable methods. The whole "ends justify the means" thing doesn't sit well with you, especially considering how you strive to avoid doing anything that could harm innocents.
Cecil’s cold, detached demeanor and history with morally gray areas leave you wary. You don't know if you can trust him.
Cecil sees you as a wild card, a loose cannon who’s more concerned with your own morality than the big picture. Despite this, he respects your abilities and quick thinking. He doesn’t necessarily see you as a “good guy” yet but is intrigued by the potential in you.
Cecil knows how to read people, and while he doesn't immediately trust you, he knows that your ideals of responsibility might align with his own goals if managed correctly. However, Cecil believes you could be more effective if you were willing to make the hard choices. More often to be specific.
You start to clash with Cecil’s utilitarian mindset. As a spider person, you believe in the sanctity of life and refuse to cross certain lines—something Cecil sees as naïve. He tries to show you that sometimes, making hard decisions for the greater good is necessary, even if it involves casualties or compromising one's morals.
Cecil certainly doesn’t mince his words when explaining his viewpoint: "You want to save the world? Sometimes, sacrifices have to be made. You can’t save everyone, and you definitely can't save the world by being nice all the time."
You however, refuse to let go of your principles. Your determined to show Cecil that you don’t have to compromise what’s right to do what’s needed. You have intense conversations, especially after your encounters with more dangerous foes.
Cecil doesn’t back down either. He will occasionally use manipulation, even flattery, to try and convince you that your idealism is impractical. But you, with your strong sense of justice, aren't easily swayed.
While Cecil is known for his cold, calculated persona, it becomes clear that there’s more to him than meets the eye. In private moments, Cecil reveals his deeper feelings about protecting humanity. He genuinely cares, but his trauma and experiences have shaped him into someone willing to make sacrifices for the sake of the bigger picture.
He often has conversations with you that show he’s not all heartless. He’ll explain the importance of taking the necessary steps to protect those who might not understand the bigger threats.
After a particularly difficult mission where you failed to save someone you promised you would, you had a conversation with Cecil about the weight of responsibility.
You confess your guilt, admitting that every time you fail, it feels like Uncle Ben’s death is haunting you all over again. Cecil listens quietly before offering his perspective. “The difference between us, [Name], is that I don’t have the luxury of guilt. I make decisions and live with them. That’s the price of leadership.”
While this doesn’t sit well with you, it pushes you to think about your own role and how you can grow as a hero—without compromising your values.
Cecil sees potential in you as a leader, especially after some tough encounters with dangerous supervillains. However, he takes a reluctant approach to mentoring you, not wanting to directly influence you but recognizing that you could one day play a pivotal role in global defense.
He offers advice sparingly, making sure to always emphasize that decisions need to be made for the greater good. When you don't take the advice, Cecil is quick to point out, “It’s your choice. But remember, the world won’t wait for you to figure it out.”
In moments when you're frustrated or feeling overwhelmed, Cecil has a tendency to give “tough love” in the form of biting commentary. For example: “The world’s full of heroes who think they can do it all without paying a price. But in the end, the world won’t remember the cost—only the result. If you want to be a hero, you need to stop acting like a kid.”
This drives you to prove that you can handle the responsibility without losing sight of what’s right.
While your methods may differ, both you and Cecil are fighting for the same thing: the protection of Earth and its people. However, Cecil’s willingness to make ethically questionable decisions contrasts with your idealism.
At some point, your paths will cross on a major mission. Cecil, taking the lead, might make a decision that you cannot morally back, and you will have to decide whether to stand by him or go against him for the first time.
This moment will be a significant turning point in your allyship, where you have to define the kind of hero you want to be, while Cecil demonstrates the brutal pragmatism required to safeguard humanity from destruction.
Over time, despite the philosophical differences, both you and Cecil begin to develop a mutual respect for each other. You recognize the weight Cecil carries as a leader and the difficult choices he must make. On the other hand, Cecil begins to see the value in your perseverance and the fact that sometimes, holding on to the ideals of kindness and empathy can be just as powerful as cold efficiency.
You’d first met Cecil under tense circumstances—another mission where Cecil’s pragmatism clashed hard with your morals. That first meeting had left a bitter taste in your mouth, like biting into a sour apple and wondering if it was worth the effort.
“Do you even care about the people you're saving?” You had asked once, all fired up after Cecil made yet another morally grey decision. "Or are they just pawns in your game?"
Cecil’s response had been cold, almost clinical: “There are no pawns. Just pieces. The game is bigger than you think.”
At the time, you had thought it was a load of nonsense. That was before you started seeing the sacrifices Cecil had made, the risks he’d taken, and the toll it had all taken on him.
There was something about the way Cecil carried himself now—his quiet confidence, his hardened demeanor—that you could finally understand. It wasn’t cruelty. It was survival. It was the unbearable burden of keeping the world from falling apart at the seams.
“Maybe I was wrong about you,” You muttered under your breath, pulling your mask down and letting the city lights reflect in your lenses. The words felt strange, foreign even, but true.
Cecil was no saint, but who was? Certainly not you, who had made your fair share of mistakes. You’d learned that sometimes saving the day meant getting your hands dirty and making decisions you didn't like. Decisions where the right thing to do wasn't always clear.
Allen The Alien
You were just an ordinary high school student before everything changed. One night, you were bitten by a radioactive spider, and it flipped your whole world upside down. You had no idea what was happening to you at first, but that spider bite unlocked powers you never could have dreamed of.
At first, you were just trying to have some fun. You didn't have a clear purpose. You used your powers for personal gain, participating in wrestling matches and showing off to your friends. You didn't take it seriously. Until that day.
The day you let that burglar slip away, you didn't think much of it. After all, you weren't a superhero back then—just a guy with new powers. But then you heard it. That scream. Uncle Ben was gone.
That was the turning point for you. You felt that pain in your chest like you couldn't breathe, and it was all your fault. "With great power comes great responsibility." Those words hit harder than any punch ever could.
From then on, you dedicated yourself to fighting crime. You were no longer just a guy swinging through the city for fun. You had a responsibility now, a promise to make things right. You couldn’t let anyone else suffer like you did.
Enter Allen the Alien. You first met him during one of your many encounters with cosmic-level threats. Allen was this huge, orange, muscular alien with a penchant for humor. He showed up on Earth, and, boy, was he different from the usual villains or threats you faced.
"You know, Earthlings really love their fast food... but you should try something out of this world!" His light-hearted humor was one thing, but the guy was undeniably strong. You could feel the raw power just by being in the same room as him.
At first, you didn’t know what to think of Allen. He was from another planet, part of the Coalition of Planets, and you had more than enough to worry about with your own problems. But, after a while, you started to see the heart beneath that tough exterior.
Allen was a warrior through and through, but he also had this sense of responsibility that you could relate to. He didn't take lightly the weight of his actions, even if he joked around to mask the seriousness of things.
"Yeah, I was born to fight the Viltrumites, but you... you remind me of something. You’ve got that 'do the right thing no matter the cost' vibe. I can respect that.”
His story was different from yours, but there was a part of it that resonated. He was born to fight, bred for a purpose that didn’t even involve him. You both understood what it meant to have a higher responsibility, even when the odds were stacked against you.
One thing that always stood out to you was how quickly Allen adapted. He healed faster than you could blink, shrugging off injuries that would have been fatal to anyone else. Maybe he was born with that, but you were learning to adapt in your own way, too.
Even when Allen faced down the Viltrumites, he never lost his sense of humor. "You know, when I was growing up, I thought ‘intergalactic space wars’ would be way more fun."
Over time, you learned a lot from Allen. His sheer strength and resilience were beyond anything you could imagine, but it wasn’t just that. It was his resolve that stuck with you. No matter how tough things got, he kept moving forward. Maybe that was the real lesson you needed to learn—no matter how many times you fall, you get back up.
You both faced different kinds of battles, but you were learning how to face them together. Allen had a strange way of making even the toughest situations feel a little lighter. "I’ve faced cosmic threats, but nothing compares to dodging traffic in New York!"
It wasn’t always about throwing punches or swinging webs; sometimes it was about being there for someone, even if they came from a totally different world. You weren’t just a high school student with superpowers anymore. You were part of something bigger.
Every time you suit up as Spider-Man, you feel a little stronger, not just physically, but mentally too. Allen helped you realize that responsibility isn't something you just take on for the moment—it’s something you carry forever. It’s about being the kind of hero the world needs, even when you feel like you’re not enough.
"You may not have the cosmic power I do, kid, but you’ve got the heart. And that's what matters." Allen’s words echo in your mind as you swing through the city, always searching for that next villain to stop, that next person to save. You're not just Spider-Man. You're a hero, and you won't let anyone forget it.
"I feel like I’m going to break something in here," he said, his voice echoing slightly as he adjusted himself.
"You’ll be fine," you teased, taking a seat across from him. "Just... don’t crush anything. Joe’s already nervous about you."
Moments later, a piping-hot pizza was placed in front of you. The cheese was bubbling, the pepperoni crisped perfectly, and the crust had that golden-brown edge that only the best places could achieve. You slid a slice onto your plate, taking in the first bite.
It was perfect.
"Okay, Allen," you said, mouth half full. "The moment of truth. You’ve got to try this."
He hesitated for a moment, eyeing the slice, but you could see the curiosity building. He lifted a piece carefully, his three-fingered hand gripping the crust. You watched, eager to see his reaction.
Allen took a bite. Then another. His large eye widened slightly, and you could swear you saw a little hint of surprise. "Hmm... this is... actually good. Really good!"
"I told you!" You leaned back in your chair, satisfied. "It’s simple, but it’s amazing. Joe's been perfecting this recipe for decades."
Allen grinned, taking another bite. "You Earthlings have a lot of surprises up your sleeves. I’m starting to think this pizza might be the real power behind your superhero antics."
You laughed, wiping your mouth with a napkin. "You might be onto something. A good slice can keep me going for days. But, you know, it’s not just about the food. It’s about the experience. The vibe of the place. It’s... it's home."
Allen looked around, clearly taking it all in now. "I see what you mean. This isn’t just a meal; it’s... part of your culture. I think I’m starting to understand Earth a little better now."
You both sat in companionable silence for a while, just eating and talking. Allen, despite his cosmic origins, had a way of making everything feel casual, light, and fun. He didn’t come off as intimidating or aloof. He was just a guy, sharing a meal, listening to the hum of the jukebox in the background.
Eventually, you finished up the pizza, and the conversation drifted from food to bigger things. His experiences as part of the Coalition, the time he spent fighting off the Viltrumites, and the crazy things he’d encountered in outer space. For all his power, there was an undeniable kindness to him, a desire to connect and understand.
As you both stood up to leave, you slapped him on the back. "Glad you liked it. I know it’s not cosmic cuisine, but it’s got its charm, right?"
Allen chuckled, dusting off the crumbs from his shirt. "I think I’m gonna need more of this Earth pizza. You might just have a new convert to your side, Spider-Man."
You smirked. "That’s the spirit. Welcome to Earth, buddy."
Mark Grayson
You were always the responsible one—even before you donned the mask. You were that student who was always on time, worked hard, and tried to balance everything. Your Uncle Ben’s passing shifted everything for you, but the weight of responsibility was something you accepted easily, considering your powers.
You remember your first fight as Spider-Man like it was yesterday. It wasn’t about saving lives at first—it was about the spectacle, the fame. You were just a kid with newfound abilities, using them for personal gain. But that all changed after Uncle Ben’s death. That moment, the one you could have stopped, became a reminder of what happens when power is used recklessly.
You’d still feel the guilt sometimes, even though you’ve saved more lives than you can count since then. Every time you see a criminal slip through the cracks or a life lost because you weren’t fast enough—it takes you back to that night.
You keep going though, for Ben. His words echo in your mind every day: "With great power comes great responsibility." It’s a lesson you learned the hard way, and one you’d make sure no one else would forget.
When it comes to Mark Grayson, though... you get it. You understand where he’s coming from. You both share a similar weight on your shoulders. The responsibility of being a hero isn’t just about power—it’s about making the tough decisions, even if they tear you apart.
You’ve faced difficult choices yourself. Killing a villain is something you’ve never wanted to do, but there are times when you’ve come close. You were ready to let your rage consume you, like when you went head-to-head with the likes of Venom or the Green Goblin. But you always held back. You weren’t going to be that kind of hero.
But Mark? His struggle is real. You’ve seen him go through the emotional turmoil of having to take a life—or the temptation to. His father's influence weighs heavily on him, and you can’t help but wonder how similar you two are in that regard. You’ve both had to make impossible choices, torn between what’s right and what’s necessary.
That’s the thing about being a hero, though—you never really know if you're making the right call. Every time you step into the fray, there's a chance you might make a mistake. But like you told yourself the day you became Spider-Man, you keep fighting because if you don’t, who will?
Seeing Mark struggle with that line between mercy and vengeance makes you realize you’re not alone in your doubts. There’s this heavy responsibility that you both bear, and it’s a burden that doesn't get any easier with time. You sometimes think back to your early days, before you fully understood the consequences of your actions, and wonder how different things could’ve been if you’d made different choices.
You understand his anger. The feeling of losing someone close, especially when a villain is directly responsible for it—it's something that hits too close to home. But even in those moments of pure rage, you remind yourself that you're not your enemy. Neither is Mark. You can't let your pain define who you are, and neither can he. But there are days when you both forget that.
You don’t have all the answers, but you know one thing for sure: it’s a struggle, and the right choice isn’t always the easiest one. Mark will figure it out in time, just like you did. But right now? He's learning the same lesson you did when you were his age: sometimes being a hero means losing pieces of yourself along the way.
You both deal with pressure differently. You wear a mask, but Mark—he has to carry the weight of his father’s legacy in plain sight. He doesn’t get to hide behind a disguise the way you do. That has to be tough.
But that’s the difference between you two. Even though you’ve had your fair share of struggles, you never lost sight of what it meant to protect the innocent. Mark, on the other hand, is walking that line between vengeance and justice. You’ve seen the toll it’s taken on him, and you don’t want him to make the same mistakes you did.
You keep fighting. For Ben. For Mark. For everyone you’ve promised to protect. And maybe, just maybe, you’ll be there to help him when the weight of it all threatens to break him, like it almost did to you.
Because at the end of the day, you're both just trying to do the right thing in a world that often doesn’t make it easy to know what that is.
Despite your different circumstances, you both understood that being a hero meant sacrifice. And more often than not, the most painful sacrifices weren’t physical—they were emotional.
"Do you ever think about giving it up?" Mark once asked, his voice heavy with the burden of the question. You sat next to him, a slight breeze ruffling the edges of your mask. It had been a slow night—no danger on the horizon. But that didn’t make things feel any less tense.
You looked over at him, eyes meeting his with a level of understanding you couldn’t explain. "Sometimes. Yeah. I mean, who wouldn’t? It’s exhausting. And the more you try to do right, the more you see how wrong everything really is. But then you realize you can’t just walk away from it."
Mark nodded, his gaze shifting to the city below. "Yeah. My dad said something like that to me. But... I don't know, sometimes it feels like I’m becoming the thing I’m supposed to be fighting. Like every time I get stronger, I’m just moving closer to losing myself."
You were silent for a moment. You hadn’t heard Mark speak like this in a while, so openly about the fear that his power might become too much for him to control. It wasn’t an unfamiliar feeling.
"I get it," you said finally, your voice quiet. "The more you grow into this, the more you realize that power—whether you’re ready for it or not—can change you. And yeah, sometimes you wonder if you're losing pieces of yourself along the way." You paused. "But here's the thing, Mark: It’s not about whether or not you lose yourself. It’s about who you become in the process. Whether you stay true to what matters—whether you choose to keep fighting, no matter how hard it gets. You won’t be the same person at the end of this. But that doesn’t mean you won’t be someone worth being."
Mark gave you a glance, a small, tired smile forming on his face. “Yeah. I know. It’s just… hard.”
You let out a breath and clapped him lightly on the back. "Tell me about it. I still don't have all the answers. But we're doing the best we can, right?"
Mark laughed softly, shaking his head. "I guess so. Just wish it didn’t feel like I’m always a step behind."
The Immortal
You are Spider-Man. You’re not just the friendly neighborhood superhero; you’re also [Name] [Surname], a student who took up the mantle of Spider-Man after the tragic loss of your Uncle Ben. You’d never forget his words: “With great power comes great responsibility.” That lesson is the core of who you are now, even if it took you a while to realize it.
At first, you used your powers for selfish reasons: showing off, making money, entertaining crowds. But your world shattered when the very burglar you let go wound up killing Uncle Ben. That moment... it changed you forever. You learned that having powers wasn’t just about what you could do; it was about what you should do.
You feel a sense of duty to protect the innocent. It’s a lesson you learned the hard way, but one you carry with you every day. You’ve been through so much—fighting criminals, dodging bullets, and juggling school—but you can’t ever let yourself forget: You’re here to help people, no matter the cost.
The city might see you as a nuisance or a freak sometimes, but it doesn't matter. You put on the mask because that’s what Uncle Ben would’ve wanted. It’s why you keep swinging from skyscraper to skyscraper, fighting crime, and occasionally getting your butt handed to you by villains who don’t know when to quit.
You wear your guilt like a weight. The loss of Uncle Ben will never leave you. Every victory, every villain you defeat, it’s all a way to try and make up for your failure. That’s why you never let your guard down. You’ve made mistakes, and those are scars you wear on your soul.
You see people suffer, and you think: If only I’d stopped that one burglar, maybe none of this would’ve happened. But you can’t undo the past, can you? The only thing left to do is to keep fighting. Keep making sure that no one else experiences what you did. No one else should have to live with that kind of regret.
You’re not the only hero out there. You’ve crossed paths with others—like the Immortal—and you can’t help but feel both awe and fear. Immortal is a being who has lived for millennia, seeing history unfold before his eyes. His long life is a double-edged sword; he’s experienced more loss than anyone should have to. He’s seen entire civilizations rise and fall, but you can tell that it’s breaking him down bit by bit.
Sometimes you wonder what it would be like to live that long. Would you even want to? To see the world you love change over and over, to see everyone around you age while you stay the same? Immortal has been there, and though he’s strong, you see the cracks in his demeanor. The pain. The loneliness. Even a hero as powerful as him isn’t immune to the effects of time.
You and Immortal, you’re not so different. Both of you have experienced loss—immense loss—that’s shaped who you are today. You understand what it’s like to carry the weight of a loved one’s death. You don’t have immortality, but you’ve had to make peace with your mortality.
Immortal, despite his immortality, seems like he’s lost something you can never truly understand. The sheer weight of his past lives seems to haunt him in ways that you can't fathom. He’s spent so many years fighting that it's not clear if he’s ever had a chance to just… live. It's hard to not feel a little sorry for him, even though you know he's a warrior through and through.
You’ve had your own brushes with psychological trauma. Not quite like Immortal, but close enough. Every time you’re in a fight, every time a loved one is in danger, the memory of Uncle Ben resurfaces. That moment, where you stood by and did nothing, gnaws at you. It’s not something you can ever fully escape. But in a way, it drives you. You can’t afford to fail again.
Immortal’s PTSD hits different though. When he returned after Omni-Man killed him, it was as if the very foundation of his existence had cracked. You’ve seen that rage in his eyes, the same kind of madness that comes from living centuries. You wonder how someone can hold on to their humanity for so long.
You try not to dwell on your losses. You’ve lost friends, sure, but you’ve also gained a few. Like Mary Jane, or even the occasional team-up with other heroes. But Immortal... he’s had too many relationships to count, and each one has left him with a piece of his heart shattered.
His relationship with Dupli-Kate is one you can relate to. Losing her must’ve felt like the last straw. But when he saw her alive again, you could tell that something inside him shifted. It’s like a weight was lifted, but you could see the fragility in his eyes. Even immortality can’t protect him from the emotional toll of loss.
Sometimes, you wish you could be more like Immortal. You know that might sound strange. After all, he's got centuries of experience, unmatched power, and the ability to bounce back from almost anything. But the truth is, he’s experienced so much that he’s become hardened, disconnected, and, at times, borderline nihilistic. You’ve seen how being alone in the world for so long has affected him.
You might be dealing with your own struggles, but at least you’ve got people who care about you—people like Aunt May, Mary Jane, even your classmates at school. You might not have immortality, but you have something he might’ve lost: the ability to connect, to have a life beyond your role as a hero.
You are Spider-Man, but you're also [Name] [Surname]. There’s a difference. While you juggle school, friends, and family, your role as Spider-Man often has you questioning whether you can keep it all together. Immortal’s existence has been shaped by countless lives, but your life is still in the making. You’re trying to figure it out as you go, but you know one thing for sure: You’ll never stop fighting.
You have your own reason for fighting, for carrying that weight, and even when you’re exhausted, when you feel like you’re about to break, you know that you’re never truly alone. At least, not yet.
In the end, it's about the people you save. That’s what keeps you going. You look at someone like Immortal, who has been through more than you can imagine, and you realize: He might never truly have peace, but you can still find a way to make a difference. You won’t give up, even when the odds seem impossible. Because, like Uncle Ben taught you, with great power comes great responsibility. And you’ll carry that burden with pride, no matter what.
You’ve crossed paths with him a few times, but this time... there was something different about him. His posture wasn’t regal or composed as usual. He seemed... tired. Worn. Even in the air, the weight of centuries seemed to hang on his broad shoulders.
You landed beside him, the air crackling with the sound of your webbing connecting to the wall of the nearby building.
“Everything alright, Immortal?” you asked, your voice casual but laced with curiosity.
He turned to face you, his piercing blue eyes softening slightly when they met yours. There was a flicker of recognition, but also something else—something raw, like a man who had lived far too long without a true friend.
“I suppose you could say I’m... trying to figure it all out,” he replied, his voice deep and gravely, tinged with the weight of a life lived far beyond your years.
“You and me both,” you said with a small smile. “I mean, sure, I’ve only been at this whole ‘superhero’ thing for a few years, but still... figuring things out is kind of my thing.”
Immortal chuckled softly, a sound you didn’t expect from him, given his usual stoic demeanor.
“Tell me, Spider-Man,” he began, his voice tinged with curiosity. “Do you ever wonder... what it’s all for? After everything I’ve seen, after all the loss and pain, I can’t help but wonder what the purpose is. I’ve lived longer than most could ever dream, but all I’ve gained is an unrelenting sense of... emptiness.”
You hesitated for a moment, looking up at him. He was right—he’d lived for centuries, witnessed the rise and fall of entire civilizations, but it was clear that what had weighed him down wasn’t just the physical battles he’d faced. It was the emotional toll, the endless cycle of loss that had left him scarred.
“I think I get what you mean,” you said, your voice thoughtful. “I don’t have centuries of experience like you do, but I know what it’s like to lose someone. My uncle... he taught me that you have to keep moving forward, even when the world feels like it’s falling apart. But you know what? I’ve realized something.” You paused, gathering your thoughts, the words coming to you more easily than you expected.
“You don’t have to carry the weight alone. I know that might sound cliché, but... you can still find purpose in the smallest of moments. In helping someone on the street, in protecting the people you care about. Sometimes... that’s enough. It’s not about fixing everything, Immortal. It’s about finding meaning in the little things that make life worth living.”
The Immortal looked at you, his expression hard to read. There was a long silence between you two, a silence that stretched like an old memory trying to form itself into something new.
“You might be right, Spider-Man,” he finally said, his voice a little softer now. “I’ve spent so much time looking at the big picture—fighting wars, saving worlds—that I’ve forgotten what it means to just... live. To be present. Maybe I’ve been so focused on the idea of purpose that I’ve missed the joy in it all.”
You could feel the shift in him, like a weight lifting just a little. The Immortal wasn’t a man of many words, and yet you’d somehow managed to break through to him. Maybe it was your youthful optimism, or maybe it was just your perspective—one that hadn’t been soured by centuries of fighting. But it seemed like he was seeing things differently now.
“Maybe... you could teach me something then,” he said after a beat. “I’ve been so focused on what I can do with my powers, I’ve never stopped to think about what I should do.”
“I think we all get caught up in that sometimes,” you replied, your smile growing a little wider. “It’s easy to forget why we fight in the first place. But it’s about more than just saving the day or taking down bad guys. It’s about the people we protect, the lives we touch.”
Immortal nodded slowly, as if considering your words.
“You speak of people, Spider-Man... of connections,” he said, his tone distant, like he was searching for something in his own mind. “You’re right. I’ve lost so much, and I’ve built walls to protect myself from the pain. But I’m not sure I understand... love. The kind of love that bonds people, that makes them fight for each other, sacrifice for one another.”
You were quiet for a moment, considering how to respond. It was clear that Immortal had never really understood the nuances of love—not in the way you had. You, with your aunt May, your friends, and your own quiet relationships with people who meant something to you. You’d learned what love could be—the deep, unconditional connection that went beyond time and power.
“Love’s a funny thing, Immortal,” you began, your voice gentle. “It’s not always easy. It’s messy. Sometimes, it’s a simple touch, a shared moment. Other times, it’s something so deep, it feels like it’ll break you. But it’s also what makes life worth living. It’s what makes us human, even if we’re not... well, human.”
The Immortal let out a soft laugh, shaking his head slightly.
“You make it sound... simple. But I can see that for you, love isn’t just a fleeting feeling. It’s something that drives you. I’ve watched you, Spider-Man. The way you protect those you care about, the way you show up when others wouldn’t. It’s not power that defines you, it’s heart. And that’s something I’ve forgotten, over the years. The need to care. To love. To let others in.”
You didn’t know what to say to that. You’d never thought of it like that—like love was the thing that tied everything together, like it was the thread that held it all up. But as you stood there, staring at the Immortal—this being who had lived for centuries, witnessed entire lifetimes come and go—you realized something.
Love had kept you going. Your love for Aunt May, your friends, your city. It was why you kept fighting, even when everything seemed impossible.
“I think you’re closer to understanding it than you think,” you said, offering him a soft smile. “Love isn’t just romantic or familial. It’s the bond we form with everyone, even the people we save. It’s what makes life so special, even when it seems endless and lonely. It’s what makes everything you’ve done matter. You’ve saved so many lives, Immortal. You may not see it, but that’s love too.”
The Immortal was silent, staring at you with a mix of admiration and introspection. His posture, which had once been stiff and burdened with the weight of the world, now seemed more relaxed, more thoughtful.
#invincible x y/n#invincible headcanons#invincible x you#invincible crossover#crossover#invincible fanfic#cecil invincible#invincible fanfiction#invincible fluff#slight angst#tooth rotting fluff#cecil stedman#invincible imagine#cecil stedman x reader#allen the alien#invincible allen#Allen invincible#mark grayson#mark grayson x reader#mark grayson x you#mark grayson x y/n#invincible immortal#the immortal#invincible the immortal#the immortal invincible#the immortal x reader#spider-man!reader#spider man!reader
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So the good news is the surgery recovery is going great. The bad news is it doesn't seem like that was the reason for the unbelievably painful fluid build up. The next guess for that is that it's nutritional - that after compensating as long as it could for my deficiencies, something in my body gave out - and it's looking like it'll be another, potentially much longer hospital stay so that they can IV what I need and keep draining the fluid until it stops coming back.
After the five-almost-six months of new and inventive agonies, any solution seems like it'll be a pretty good deal, but obviously this also means more time where I can't do shit, especially art, which is my work. (I can fantasize that this treatment attempt will help my vision problems too, but I'm not holding my breath.) At the moment, the fluid returns to a bedbinding amount a few days after each drain, which impedes most parts of existing.
And now I e-beg: While I can't put out new stuff right now, if you'd like to support me and get fun stuff from the past or accumulate credit for stuff in the future, and in turn give my finances a leg up so I'm less of a burden on the household (I have required a lot of attentive care in the past months), here's some options:
If you like characters, I've got designs for sale on Toyhouse - I'm open to offers on anything made by just me (meaning, not the collabs), so if you usually wouldn't have the budget, now's your chance!
If you like bases, I've got a ton for sale on Ko-fi and even more of my older ones available to multiple subscription tiers, also on Ko-fi.
If you want to start saving up for a future commission, the Ko-fi tiers also store that! It's an unofficial bonus while I'm out of commission (ha), but any amount paid while I'm not actively drawing will be noted down as credit for when I can draw again.
If you just want to throw a donation my way because you think I'm neat, that's also an option on Ko-fi!
I'm really hoping this cause is the right one and that dealing with it will actually start to fix things, because god I miss drawing so fucking much, and I really appreciate the patience and support I've gotten through it all this far. Been a hell of a rollercoaster. As always, stay safe, love you.
#not art#wheeeee#remember to get your blood tests done and take your vitamins kids lest you go blind and be filled with evil fluids
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The Little Light That Got Lost
A/N: My brain's got a burst of motivation so I tried to do something interesting for @cheust's Ghost Caretaker AU. Another Wayne OC but I tried to keep them gender neutral. Reader doesn't really show up but I imagine her as fem!. I kept it vague how she looks though.
THIS IS VERY EXPERIMENTAL. It's okay if you don't like it
Patient Name: Casey Wayne Date: [REDACTED] Session Number: [#1] Therapist: Johanna Hoffman Location: Gotham Pediatrician Clinic
Session Notes
Therapist’s Observations: During the initial introductions, the patient presented with a guarded demeanor, displaying limited eye contact and minimal spontaneous verbal engagement. However, when encouraged to engage in drawing, they responded positively, suggesting a potential avenue for further rapport-building and self-expression.
Transcript of Session:
Therapist (T): [Good Morning. My name is Doctor Hoffman. How are you feeling?]
Child (C): [Okay]
T: [That’s good, I’m happy to hear that. And I was told your name is Casey, right?]
C: [Yes]
T: [That’s a great name. You can call me Johanna if you’d like]
C: [Okay, Miss Johanna]
T: [ Oh, you don’t have to call me “Miss”-- just Johanna is fine]
C: (Nods silently)
T: [It’s very nice to meet you, Casey. How old are you?]
C: [I’m four, but I’m ‘bout to turn five]
T: [Wow, that’s exciting! You’ll be a big kid soon. Are you looking forward to it?]
C: (Pauses, then nods hesitantly)
T: Do you know what you want for your birthday?
C: (Shrugs) [Maybe a duck]
T: [A duck? That sounds cool! Is that your favorite animal?]
C: (Nods) [ I got one at home. But it’s broke]
T: [It’s broken? Oh no, what happened?]
C: (Frowns) [Damian gave it to Titus and he bit it up]
T: [Damian? Your big brother? Why did he do that?]
C: (Shrugs) [I dunno]
T: [That sounds frustrating. Did you tell him how that made you feel?]
C: [No…]
T: [That’s okay. Sometimes it’s hard to talk about our feelings. But I bet we can practice together if you want.]
C: (Looks up) [How?]
T: [Well, we can pretend I’m your brother, and you can tell me what you’d want to say to him. What do you think?]
C: (Fidgets with hands) [I dunno…]
T: [That’s okay. We can take our time. How did you feel when your toy was ripped up?]
C: [ Sad… and kinda mad]
T: (That makes sense. That toy was special to you, wasn’t it?]
C: [Yes… my mama gave it to me]
T: [Oh, I see. That makes it even more special . It must have been upsetting to see it broken.]
C: (Nods, looking down)
T: [It’s okay to feel sad and mad about it. If you could tell Damian anything about what happened, what would you want him to know?]
C: (Mumbles) [I didn’t like it...]
T: [That’s a good start! Maybe you could say, “I didn’t like it when you gave my duck to Titus because it was special to me.” Do you want to try saying that?]
C: (Softly) [I didn’t like when you gave my duck to Titus… ‘cause it was special.]
T: [That’s very good! Do you think you can tell Damian?]
C: [But he don’t listen]
T: [That sounds really hard. It’s frustrating when someone doesn’t listen to us, especially when we’re trying to tell them how we feel.]
C: (Nods)
T: [Even if he doesn’t listen right away, it’s still important to say how you feel. That way, he knows it hurt you.]
C: [But what if he just says “so what” or laughs?]
T: [That wouldn’t feel very nice, would it?]
C: (Shakes head)
T: [No, it wouldn’t. If that happens, you can tell an adult, so they can help you]
C: (Hesitates) [... like Yaya?]
T: [Yaya?]
C: (Nods) [Yaya always helps me]
T: [That sounds nice. She must really care about you. Can you tell me more about her?]
C: (Stays silent)
T: [Casey? What’s wrong?]
C: [Daddy says I shouldn’t talk about Yaya cause she’s not real]
T: [Oh… I see. That must be confusing. But Yaya feels real to you, doesn’t she?]
C: (Nods slowly) [She talks to me… and hugs me when I’m sad]
T: [That sounds really nice. Can you tell me when you first met Yaya?]
C: (Shrugs) [I don’t ‘member…she’s just always been there]
T: [That’s interesting. What does Yaya look like?]
C: (Thinks for a moment) [She’s really big, but soft… and she smells like flowers]
T: [She sounds very pretty. Do you see Yaya a lot?]
C: [Yeah, when I’m scared… or alone]
T: [ Does she make you feel safe?]
C: {Yeah…but Daddy says I gotta stop talking to her.]
T: [Hmm… that sounds tough. How do you feel when he says that?]
C: (Frowns) [Like he’s mad at me. He don’t like Yaya.]
T: [I understand. It sounds like Yaya is really important to you, but Daddy doesn’t see her the way you do.]
C: (Quietly) [He says Yaya isn’t real and that she’s pretend]
T: [Well, I think sometimes even big kids—and grown-ups—need someone to help them feel safe. And it sounds like Yaya does that for you.]
C: (Nods, but stays quiet)
T: [What do you think Yaya would say if she knew you were feeling sad about this?]
C: (Softly) [She’d say “I’ll always be here.”]
T: [That sounds really kind. Yaya must care about you a lot.]
C: (Whispers) [She does...]
T: [Would you like to draw a picture of Yaya for me? You don’t have to, only if you want to.]
C: (Looks up) [Can I use crayons?]
T: [Of course! You can use any colors you like.]
C: (Begins drawing with crayons)
T: (That’s a really pretty shade of purple. Is Yaya the same color?]
C: (Nods) [She’s dark, but not scary. Kinda like the sky when the sun goes to bed]
T: [That’s a lovely way to describe it. The sky at sunset does look very pretty]
C: (Nods, focusing on drawing) [She’s big, but not scary big. She don’t got sharp teeth, just a big smile]
T: (That sounds like a nice smile. What do you like to do with Yaya?]
C: [She cuddles me… and tells me stories]
T: [ How nice. Do you have a favorite story?]
C: (Pauses and nods) [The little light that got lost]
T: [Oh, that sounds interesting. What happens in the story?]
C: [A little light falls from heaven and can’t find its way home. But Yaya helps it. She says “You’re never lost when someone loves you”]
T: [That’s a beautiful story, Casey]
C: (Softly) [I love Yaya. I don’t want her to go away… like Mama]
T: [That sounds really hard. You care about Yaya, and you don’t want to lose her.]
C: (Tightly grips crayon) [I don’t want to be alone.]
T: [Casey, you’re not alone. Even when Yaya isn’t there, you have people who care about you.]
C: (Shakes head) [Daddy’s too busy. And Damian don’t like me.]
T: [That must feel really lonely sometimes.]
C: (Silent, continues drawing)
T: [I want you to know that it’s okay to have Yaya. And it’s okay to have feelings about her. You don’t have to stop talking about her here.]
C: (Looks up, eyes wide) [Really?]
T: [Really. This is a safe place, and I’m here to listen.]
C: (Hesitates, then nods, returning to drawing) [Okay...]
Therapist’s Analysis:
Casey exhibits signs of emotional isolation and possible neglect, evidenced by their strong attachment to an imaginary companion and their belief that discussing Yaya will result in her disappearance. Their reluctance to express emotions, particularly frustration and sadness, suggests a pattern of suppressing feelings, potentially due to perceived dismissal or invalidation from caregivers. Their comments about their father’s disapproval and their brother’s antagonism indicate potential family conflict or an emotionally unsupportive environment. Casey's use of Yaya as a comfort figure may be a coping mechanism for stress, fear, or loneliness. Their vivid imagination implies an internalized fear of abandonment.
Next Steps/Treatment Plan:
Encourage Emotional Expression – Utilize art and storytelling to help Casey articulate feelings in a non-threatening way.
Build Coping Strategies – Introduce alternative methods of emotional regulation beyond Yaya, such as deep breathing exercises or guided visualization.
Assess Home Environment – Gather more information on Casey’s family dynamics to better understand potential sources of stress or neglect.
Parental Guidance – If appropriate, explore opportunities to engage Casey’s caregivers in supportive discussions about their emotional needs.
Monitor for Changes – Observe any shifts in Casey’s attachment to Yaya or increased distress over time, which may indicate deeper psychological concerns requiring further intervention.
Continue Establishing Trust – Maintain a safe and non-judgmental space for Casey to share, ensuring they feels heard and validated.
Further sessions should explore Casey’s relationship with his family, potential stressors, and any indicators of emotional or psychological distress that warrant deeper intervention.
A/N: Did it suck? I'm really on the fence about this sort of style! I'm thinking this is a prequel and I'll get into more reader-insert content in the next part.
#yandere#yandere blog#yandere core#yandere reader#yandere batfam#just let me ramble#i wrote this in one sitting#don't hate me
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Imma be so real the Knight/Pure Vanilla drabble is haunting me /positive
I don't know what's funnier:
1. Knight genuinely has no idea how erotic this could be and is ACTUALLY oblivious to the fact
or 2. Knight is aware of how they landed but assumes that there is NO WAY Pure Vanilla wants them, and is mentally kicking themselves for ending up in such a provocative position and potentially making their king uncomfortable.
Something tells me that this is also gonna haunt Pure Vanilla whenever he looks at his knight, and is gonna have an even harder time acting normal after this XD
(Not the original anon)
teehee <3
to me, what i was thinking about while writing knight!reader was that they’re completely oblivious to both the position and Pure Vanilla’s feelings! they have feelings for him, no doubt, but they desperately cover it with their overwhelming loyalty and “holy fuck that’s my boss, is that even allowed??”
although, the second option is DELICIOUS. the internal struggle? the unrequited (that’s not actually unrequited) feelings? THE ANGST???? oooooooh my god it’s so good!! our little knight is struggling internally with the thought of making their beloved king uncomfortable, especially considering they’d probably believe he harbors feelings for White Lily. meanwhile poor Vanilly is just trying to keep it in his pants lmao
#asks#anon#cookie run kingdom#crk#cookie run#cookie run kingdom x reader#crk x reader#pure vanilla cookie#pure vanilla cookie x reader#pure vanilla x reader#i’m rotating him in my mind a thousand times
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I Could Be a Good Mother
or: What the process to Lily was
an: thank you to all beta readers for the first paragraph. not proof read. comments always appreciated. love you all.
warnings for mentions of pregnancy loss
When she was young, the plan was to name her daughter something exciting. Something reminiscent of herself. She contemplated Natasha, of course, the name her parents had originally planned on placing on her. Identifying herself as Natasha, after living so long under her actual name, felt wrong now, but she wouldn’t mind giving a piece of what could’ve been to her future daughter. She always wondered what made Tashi come about, a heat of the moment decision on her mother’s part. When she asked, tugging at the hem of her mother’s shirt as she read a novel too dense for a girl of Tashi’s age, the response was plain. Because she just knew. She gazed down at a small body, smaller than even now, a head of soft, curling hair, and eyes as warm as melted chocolate, and knew her daughter’s name. She placed it upon her with a kiss to her forehead, and there she was. Tashi Duncan. Her mother smiled down at the girl, so big and so small all at once, and said she’d know, too, when the time came. She’d know, just like she had. Like mother , like daughter. And when daughter became mother all her own, the chain would continue to grow.
When she was just a bit older, smiling with missing front teeth, not whole but feeling complete, she wanted to name her daughter Billie. Billie who she read yellowed biographies on her knees in the library, leaning against the shelves. Billie who ran the court like it was hers to own, and as far as Tashi was concerned, she did. Billie, who her parents reluctantly let her admire, but told her that even if she was a great player, one of the greatest, she wasn’t necessarily someone to be admired. Tashi didn’t quite understand it at the time, being young enough to understand when subtext was present, but not old enough to decipher the code behind a restless hand toying with a cross necklace. Nevertheless, as long as Tashi was passionate about tennis, she’d be passionate about Billie Jean King. She always thought it funny, the queen of tennis with ‘king’ for a last name. Maybe it was intentional irony on the universe’s part, something to rub men’s noses in. Or maybe she was both a king and a queen in her own right. Tashi wanted that. She wanted a court named in her honor, because for all the world knew, tennis had been reinvented under her capable hands. She wanted the world to watch as the courts molded beneath her feet like clay, precise, aggressive, and see the potential for what the sport could be. Her daughter, with this name, might gain that power through it. Be a king and a queen all the same.
At her confirmation, a knee-length skirt bursting around her like a blooming flower, beaming with pride, she decided her daughter’s name would be Joan. Joan after her chosen saint, Joan of Arc. It felt appropriate for her. Fitting to choose a name of someone so dauntless, so unmistakably determined to stick by her beliefs. Even at twelve, everyone knew that Tashi was not a girl, but a force of nature. She functioned more like the wind did than a person, graceful and elegant in its lightest forms, biting and unforgiving at its harshest. She wanted to be a dichotomy. The less people understood, the more she could work against another person without their realizing, on the court and off it, if need be. She found herself imagining, just for a moment, that the beaming faces of proud aunts, uncles, cousins, even strangers, were watching her burn at the stake, just as her namesake of sorts had, and she liked to think that it was a rite of passage to undergo something so painful. It was what made Joan of Arc the saint she now is, was it not? Perhaps to become something, the present you, the good in you, had to die. Maybe that’s what makes a person matter. So, she hoped to change. She hoped to leave old her behind. And when she stepped down to greet family, kiss cheeks and shake hands, and people asked her who her role model is, she felt her hands fidget with the golden cross settled on her sternum when she said Billie Jean King. Her grandmother, warm and soft with old age, took her by the hand that day and thanked her. Thanked her for becoming a woman of God, as she was intended to do. For being a great future wife and mother. She didn’t like the lack of ‘tennis player’ in that list, but it would have to do. After all, it’s what she was made for.
After Patrick, after her knee, she thinks she knows what Joan of Arc felt like when she looked down from heaven. She had to die to become something. What she had become, she wasn’t sure of. A coach, yes, and Art’s coach no less, but what else? She hoped that by falling from grace, she would land on some other variation of it. A fall from one pillowy, cushioned world to another. She tried, really, not to hate him for it. His successes that should have been hers, and they were in a way. She’d liked that after all, his malleability. He was becoming her. He was pressed and folded into serving with the power of her muscles and winning with the ease of a body which knew nothing but victory. They were her victories if he was her. But, when all is said and done, and she sits in bed while he sleeps, she knows he loves him more than she resents him. She loves that he stayed, despite no longer being the Tashi he’d met at that Adidas party. She loves that he holds her up, even when she lies and says she needs no support. She loves that in all his softness, he could love something so cold as her. She felt no fear when he proposed, because she wanted it to happen, and that meant he’d want it, too. And she wanted that daughter she’d dreamed of as a girl. She wanted her Joan to have an intellect like her own and a tenderness like her father. She wanted flowing brown hair and eyes that crinkle at their corners when they lift with a smile. She wanted a daughter, so Art would want one, too.
When they discussed it the first time, her ring felt heavier. She knew he wanted a family, that much was clear. He was more obvious than she’d been, all lingering eyes on small children and brushes of hands against tiny clothing. He never addressed it outwardly, not directly the way she does, but he showed his desire in his own way. He nearly cried when she asked him, and if she hadn't been smart enough to specify that she meant after the wedding, he would’ve begged her to start right away. He needed to be a father the same way she needed to be a mother. He needed to see himself create something worthwhile, he needed to know that he’d leave something beautiful behind when there was nothing left for his body to give. Tashi needed something, someone, to stare at her with the wonder that she felt from the stands as a teen. She wanted to know her life hadn’t amounted to a ‘should’ve been’, an unhappy accident, an act of God. She needed something tangible to place her love on, and just her love on. No living vicariously. No resentment. He wiped his eyes and kissed her like he had never been more in love with her than in that moment, and things felt simple. No arguments, no questioning, not a lick of concern for the future. She was going to get her daughter, her Joan, and she was going to be the most wonderful thing the world would ever know.
Her ring, the larger, newer one of the two, weighed heavy on her hand as she rolled her fingers in little waves against the marble sink. Two minutes. Two minutes that she hardly breathed for. They’d been trying and trying for months. Months of intimacy as a means to an end, rather than based on desire. Months and months and nothing seemed to stick. She felt sick each time she felt the telltale nauseating warmth of blood between her legs, the sharp ache of a cramp, like a mace swung at her insides. She felt sick when she knew she wasn’t doing the one thing she was put here for. Each time she spoke about it to her mother, she’d just sigh through the speaker of the phone, say that everything happens for a reason. That God gives his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers, and it’d only make her victory that much more deserved. She felt no desire to be strong anymore. She hoped to be weak so that things became easier. But two minutes was up, and when she flipped the small plastic figure over in its place, two red lines down its center, she practically kissed the ground she collapsed to. Art found her there, attentive even from the other room, with her shoulders heaving and her back arched in on itself, as if shielding herself from the world. When he sees the positive test, he folds himself into the same position. He might just cry harder.
Imagine her shock when the screen was flipped her way and she saw three little shapes. Not one, but three. Three little girls. They had to be. The nurse had crinkled her nose when she said so, said it was still far too early to tell, but she knew. Tashi knew that there was never any other option for her. Three. The perfect number. Her own holy trinity to praise. Truly, they would be what she devoted herself to. She had won her battle, even though she’d never asked to fight it. She searched for Art’s hand to take in her own, and when her eyes met his they were fearful, yes, but delighted all the same. It was perfect. The ideal number. Her Joan, her Billie, her Natasha. He looked at that blurry image, all black and white fuzz and imagination-filled gaps, with the reverence of dog to owner, student to teacher. If they thought about it hard enough, they could feel their place in the world shifting. They could see each object come into itself, particle by particle. Each edge seemed a bit softer now. She felt a prayer on the tip of her tongue and silenced it with a sob. There was no time for piety. She felt the battle was won, and the war wasn’t even over.
Tashi was an analytical woman. Everything through a scrutinizing lens. Each detail perceived, judged, shuffled away to be dealt with. And as she analyzed the look on the doctor’s face when he came in, she knew. She knew and wanted to hear none of it. There was nothing to be done. No medication, no procedure. Her relief would come when they’d finally stop suffering. She didn’t tell Art, couldn’t tell Art. She didn’t tell him on the car ride home, tears stagnant in her waterline, lips pursed and trembling, but never breaking. She didn’t tell him when he saw the expression on her face. She didn’t have to. She needed space. Air. Sleep. A hug. A better body. A kinder God. She needed to be stronger. She needed to be weaker. When out of his line of vision, surrounded by the bed that could only have been where the lives still within her were born, she squeezed her eyes shut and hit. She hit, hit, hit and hoped it developed sentience just so it could feel the pain of each impact. But she wouldn’t lay there. She crumpled like an old flower, browning and dry, and for the first time in her life, there were no prayers to be said. She unclasped the thin gold chain from around her neck, holding its limp form in her palms. She cupped it beneath her lips, whispered ‘please, please, please’ until all that came out was air. But she felt no different. She felt no change. She threw it across the room, landing with a small, metallic tink. She hoped she’d been wrong all her life. There was no God. No God would let her suffer so much and be rewarded with so little. No kind, loving God would treat her this way after spending so much time praising him. No God would not let her serve the purpose she was put her for. Be fruitful and multiply. Why not her? They slept quietly that night, backs against each other. She slipped out from beneath the covers to scoop the chain up in her palms and tuck it into the drawer of her nightstand. Just in case, she didn’t want to anger him either.
When those two lines did appear again, her thumbnail dragging up and down the length of them, she didn’t quite feel joy. Because it was never supposed to be her. Of course, she was happy, somewhere, beneath that clouded, murky water of grief. For her babies. For herself. For what ifs and should haves. But, she would take it. She would hold her girl proudly in her arms upon arrival, she would watch herself change, grow, widen, and not be horrified by such a thing, and she would hate this little girl as much as she loved her. She wouldn’t recycle a name. She couldn’t make this child identify as another. And she knew, as her mother had, that when she arrived, she’d just know who she was. For now, though, she made her way to her nightstand, slipped open the drawer, and connected the clasp of the chain behind her neck again.
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This is possibly my fault since I started being active in the community again, and posting my sympathetic thoughts about Solaris quite a bit. So I'mma ramble the thoughts this makes me think.
By no means do I think Solaris is entirely sympathetic -- he's a god, and gods are almost never depicted as being perfect -- but I point out the sympathies a lot because the game sure doesn't, and most people will pick up on what they (almost certainly correctly) perceive as a biblical Satan/demon analogy, and thus are predisposed to assume he's evil for the sake of being evil. This is almost certainly what the devs were intending, buutttt the story for the game seems pretty clearly unpolished, so it's hard to say for certain that someone on the team didn't purposefully add a lot of background trappings that imply the history of the area is more proto-indo-iranian than the modern european parts of the setting would imply, and thus the themeing could actually be more of an observation on how christianity absorbed traditions from other cultures and turned positive things into negative things, such as the neutral-to-positive origins of things like 'hell' and 'demons' and how they became synonymous with 'evil' and 'bad' when transplanted. It wouldn't change much in regards to good/grey/evil readings; but it would support that the past has been obscured purposefully at some point. Historically, it would have been obscured by the ruling class with something to gain, but since deities are a Real Thing here it could also be Solaris himself.
(But again I really do honestly think most of the potentially purposeful detail in this game is an accident... I kinda assume the bg/asset team somehow had more time to work than the writers. This game was rushed to Hel and back. I think they wanted to play with grey areas, but didn't get the chance to actually put in everything they were building to.)
And honestly, I love any reading of the character; good, evil, and especially in between. I'd like to see more done with the old story mentioned (I'm aware of it and think about it a lot) and I'd say I'm surprised that I haven't seen anyone go down that 'Solaris was malevolent the whole time' road when exploring him... But this is the gay weirdo website, and historically gay weirdos tend to sympathize with the demonized monsters, so I'm not actually surprised he's usually played with more benefit of the doubt (plus there's a distinct reverse correlation between tone of a subject vs tone of the fan interaction; the darker the thing, the lighter the fan content, and vice versa)
I gotta say, though. That old story doesn't prove Solaris has ever been malevolent. That could very well have been the intention -- I always assumed it was, and assumed the average reading was 'oh the game characters have this story wrong, Solaris is secretly the bad guy here' -- but it's not proof. The lines tell us for sure that there is a story about Solaris, and that's it. It may sound to us -- with outside biases -- that Solaris faked saving the city; it may sound to them with their ingame biases that Solaris did save the city; but there's a whole lot in between there. An incident similar to the story probably happened, but we can't say for sure. And while it seems like the obvious starter of the fire would be the fire god, we should consider that devastating blazes that destroy entire cities are a thing that happen in modern times, and thus probably happened in any time period (probably more often, what without fire codes and such.) A legitimate blaze could have just happened. And who better to douse it than someone that can control fire? The 'Solaris tricked them' interpretation is easy to see under the surface, but it might legitimately not be that deep. Maybe Mrs. O'Leary's cow starts a fire; fire god cleans it up; fire god decides to be the city's patron; citizens honor patron deity with ceremonies. Or maybe there was even a mix, since we definitely can't know Solaris's intentions; maybe he did start it as a trick, but later legitimately cared for the people, only for the people to betray him so now mass murder is back on the table. Maybe it wasn't a trick, but he's pissed enough now to throw away the loyalty.
My point is there are a hell of a lot of interpretations to be made with what is frankly a scaffolding of a script, and that's what I like about it. There is extremely little we can confirm in the game, unless we see it actually happen, with all included intentions of the characters stated (for instance: Mephiles literally never kills Sonic. No blood; he comes back; even the characters 'sense he's still there'. Did he intend to? Maybe. Probably. The writing probably isn't that deep. But all he actually needed was Elise to think he was dead, so we can't say for sure he didn't pull a trick there.) Cause characters like Mephiles can seem all dramatic and evil and trickstery, but dude might just be ye olde theatre kid. And this leaves a loooot of room for different readings and fanworks that don't even need to actually contradict the game, since so little is known for certain. So; I just like to point out that it's possible this debacle was more a tragic misunderstanding of hurt people than a good v bad situation. We can assume the writers probably went pretty basic with the ultimate theme being the usual 'you versus the bad guy' with the starters of some deeper stuff before corporate rushed the game out the door; but we can't know that's the case.
P.S. I usually ignore everything after the game when it comes to interpreting it, but if we did count modern stuff, SXSG drops a damn bombshell with that 'I want to exist' line, and talking about restoring himself to the timeline. It's still just a theory, but man; that sure seems to imply he never was trying to destroy reality and/or time the way Eggman told everyone he was. That's just more fuel to the tinfoil hat 'Eggman was goading everyone on in that fight on purpose since he had a lot to lose, as Solaris was aware Eggman was trying to use him' theory.
P.P.S. Also, like, Solaris was confirmed for sure stuck inside a stick and a t(w)eenager for a decade, and I doubt anyone could come out of that making rational decisions. Meanwhile the other side are almost all children that have possibly been a bit rattled by all the time traveling, chaos energy, and trauma they've been injected with over the course of that three days or so (+for Silver and Blaze), so I find it hard to judge them, either. I can judge Eggman, though. Dude was definitely just a dick. He's proven that plenty.
P.P.P.S. Main complete fuckin mystery in the game to me beyond 'probably just an unfinished plotline' is the Mephiles trying to get Silver to kill Sonic thing. I don't see how it makes sense in any case whatsoever; if Solaris was somehow a saint, why the hell would he take such a roundabout route, particularly since he obviously didn't need to? If he was a schemin' demon, same goes -- why go so roundabout, why pick Silver for it, why get so complicated, when it backfiring was so obviously a risk? Maybe because he knew Silver had something to do with Shadow, and maybe he found out Shadow was kinda-sorta friends with Sonic, so he just... Hoped it would be ironic for the half-moment between victory and pulling the plug on the timeline? I dunno man, and I'd love to hear more theories about that from folks, particularly since there's a lot of room for introducing ideas of there being limits or rules to Solaris's power/time travel/the universe itself/etc that might justify playin' what is essentially an intradimensional combination hopscotch/cat's cradle.
Tl;dr: Pretty much all bits of this game are up for wildly different interpretations, as little is ever actually confirmed, and we have a whole lot of unreliable narrators. I think the conversation should be 'here's how I read it, or the version I enjoy' and not 'your way of reading and liking the thing is wrong'.
A lot of people recently—as in, a weirdly high number of people—have been posting about how Solaris as a deity is a sympathetic figure, and how he was a victim in the grand narrative of Sonic ‘06.
This post is neither meant as a “gotcha” nor is it attempting to disprove or devalue this reading of the narrative, in fact I’m actually going to demonstrate how moral ambiguity is a theme that ‘06’s story definitely and intentionally explores, but I do want to just… point out what’s textually stated about Solaris in the game’s story.
To best illustrate what I’m getting at, I want to talk about Solaris chronologically. To do that, we need to discuss some deep lore that has come up on my blog several times in the past. (And no, it’s not the fact that the owner of the shops in Soleanna is named Enrique.)

Most people know that Solaris is represented by an eagle in Soleanna’s religion, but for those who missed the symbolism, Soleanna’s crest depicts an eagle standing proud with wings outstretched underneath a simplistic depiction of the sun, with the prominent feathers protruding outward in a manner reminiscent of sunbeams. Considering Solaris is known as Soleanna’s sun god and the eagle here is clearly represented as being a proxy for the sun (with the wing-sunbeams and all), and based on the fact Solaris’ physical form heavily resembles an eagle, it’s safe to say the eagle became a symbol in Soleanna due to worship of Solaris.

Additionally, the stained glass murals found in Kingdom Valley seem to show the eagle—Solaris—having some connection to or dominion over the day cycle, with the mural depicting this in a serene, positive light.
With that connection in mind, I would like to bring up the most insanely loaded and impactful throwaway NPC dialogue of any Sonic game:
Now, I’ve posted about this dialogue plenty before, but I wish to reiterate how this completely missable dialogue from some random woman in Soleanna’s New City contains deep lore that is heavily implied to be the origins of Soleanna’s symbol of their god, and may even be an origin story for Solaris’ worship in general.
The story is about Soleanna being overtaken by huge flames, until out of nowhere a huge eagle saves it. We know that Solaris’ physical form has the appearance of an eagle, so it’s barely conjectured to say that this story represents Solaris saving Soleanna—otherwise it would literally just be a narrative red herring. Additionally, the NPC specifically says that some people still believe the story to be factual, so this is clearly meant to be some manner of biblical non-fiction in the Solaris religion.
Clearly, this event sparked worship of Solaris, which, as previously mentioned, was viewed by the people of Soleanna as a positive deity—the “Eternal Sun,” which was paid homage to via the Festival of the Sun, which involved (description from the game’s official guide but this is also just what’s shown in the intro cutscene) “lighting a beautiful fountain of fire, bathing the city in the crackling glow of a thousand flames,” which I would say is representative of the great fires that overtook the ancient Soleanna, then afterwards “fireworks fill the sky, and there is much rejoicing by the general populace.” I would consider this as representing Solaris appearing from the call of the flames, but that’s conjecture—all that we need to focus on is what’s textually stated, which is that fact that there’s “much rejoicing by the general populace.” This is mirrored by the dialogue heard in-game, in which Elise, whilst lighting the fountain, prays: “Sun of Soleanna, guide and watch over us with your eternal light.”
The next event that we know of chronologically is, after somehow taking the form of a meager sentient flame, Solaris was entrusted to the royal family as the “Flame of Hope.” We don’t know how this happened, just that it did.
Later down the royal family lineage, we get to Elise’s father, the Duke of Soleanna. At some point, his wife—Elise’s mother—died, and conveniently the Duke then became infatuated with the altruistic idea of harnessing the power of time to allow his people to rectify past mistakes and avoid bitter fate. To that end, he started the Solaris Project, which aimed to study the Flame of Hope the royal family had been entrusted with and, more bluntly, manipulate the super-dimensional god-being Solaris for its power.
It is noted that the Living Flame had to grow larger for this power to be harnessed.
It is explicitly stated in-game that Solaris disagreed with this treatment. During the cutscene “The accident 10 years ago” which shows the Solaris Project experiment failing, a scientist notes that out of nowhere an electromagnetic pulse has been generated, which is causing a meltdown. The Duke responds to this by saying, “Why, Solaris? Why do you refuse to listen to my voice?” which suggests that Solaris itself generated the EMP, despite the fact that this causes it to fracture.
Furthermore, the game’s official guide (which should admittedly be taken with a few thousand grains of salt, as it’s a Prima Games guide and those are rather notorious) has this to say regarding Solaris and the experiment:
So, pretty cut and dry when you view it all like that in isolation, right? Solaris was a benevolent god that was abused by the duchy of its people and driven berserk from said abuse, which is why even after reforming its darkness and wrath it still sought to destroy all time. The Duke of Soleanna sucked bad and Sonic ‘06 is a narrative about… god dying for no reason? And the ending of Sonic ‘06 with Elise extinguishing Solaris represents, uhhh… deicide? Elise is perpetuating the cycle of abuse???
Obviously no hate to people who prefer viewing Solaris in a strictly sympathetic light (I literally wrote a fanfic with that as a partial premise), but you have to admit that it muddies the narrative. And, additionally, what a lot of people ignore when they come to that conclusion is the fact that Solaris had known malevolence.
First of all, consider the fact that the Flames of Disaster were a known thing in Soleanna’s faith—specifically known as Solaris’ wrath.
And when you remember the fact that Solaris takes the form of fire, and is known to be the being whose wrath is released in the form of flames,
Suddenly the story of the eagle has an alternative reading!
I am SO firmly in the camp that that NPC’s one-off dialogue is meant to suggest that Solaris manipulated its way into a position of worship, and that it being reduced to a meager flame was a saving act—which is why said flame was then entrusted to the royal family.
As stated above, this isn’t even an unheard of concept: Elise just casually tells Sonic about the potential of the Flames of Disaster, and all of Eggman’s actions throughout this game hinge on the fact that he wants to take the power of said flames (which he already knows about, just not how to channel) for himself.
Not to mention the fact that the component parts of Solaris don’t do the sun deity any favors. Iblis is literally a destructive manifestation of blind wrath, and Mephiles is a misery maximalist who literally overcomplicates plans to a fault just so the absolute most amount of karmic irony and sheer misfortune can underline all of his actions.
So… Solaris was vastly malevolent, ergo the Duke’s actions were completely justified, and Sonic ‘06’s narrative is about defeating ontological evil?
Also probably not!
A major theme of Sonic ‘06 is the dichotomy between the actions of an individual and the impact those actions have on the whole of society/the future—impact those actions hold in general:
Elise’s decision to sacrifice her relationship with Sonic by unmaking the instigating event of their meeting from the timeline, all to save the future, that’s just the underlining of this theme. There’s also the fact that Elise had to bear the Flames within her and repress her emotions in order to lead her people and hold back Solaris’ wrath, and the fact that Silver grapples with the idea that to save his future he has to personally kill an individual. Shadow has that whole moment where he says if the world chooses to become his enemy he’ll still fight like he always has, and even Amy gets the (admittedly pretty funny) line where if she had to choose between the world and Sonic, she’d choose Sonic—and for what it’s worth, that arguable ideology did plant the seeds of Silver questioning whether what he was doing was right or wrong. Even Blaze, who’s notoriously underutilized in ‘06, sacrifices herself to seal away the flames of Iblis for good.
I feel like the intended reading you’re supposed to have is that, yes, Solaris was terrible and did terrible things, but the Duke of Soleanna and contributors to the Solaris Project were also terrible and attempting to harness powers no mortals should possess, and both sides acted in manners that impacted the wider world in direct and indirect ways. It’s supposed to be a little difficult to work your head around and completely justify in one direction or the other—it’s trolly-problem-esque, in that sense.
So, in conclusion… all of this being said, there is still room to be made and interesting narratives to be constructed around the idea that Solaris was a victim—and personally I agree there’s some sympathy to be felt for the Flame and the experimentation it underwent even with its malevolence—but I feel like the actual narrative presented is much more intentionally nuanced.
#it's late and I'm unmedicated#as usual#so rambleness#I'm hoping and assuming this is a good faith thing and not 'I read it this way and I'm annoyed people see it other ways too' but it's a bit#hard for me to tell for certain#it's just#I think it's fair to point out possible alternatives that have no concrete counter-evidence#particularly since most people frankly never question who and what is 'right' and 'wrong' in this game#now; most people I find posting about it do#but folks that are already talking about it aren't most people#I get the feeling this is my sign I should shut up about Solaris :Y
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Ianthe Tridentarius is a mystery to me in many ways EXCEPT when Coronabeth makes fun of her for not being able to hold her arms up long enough to braid her own hair. Girl, I’ve never related to anything more. I know she’s icky and we love her for that, but this specific facet of Ianthe is just reality when you’ve got cardiovascular or nervous system issues. Ianthe is objectively Gross and she leans into it, and I wonder how much of that is a way to take control of how people view her embodiment… or something else.
Let’s contrast Ianthe’s necromancy with Harrow’s quickly. Flesh and bone are very different domains, but for both characters their specialties seem deeply connected to them, internally (as in, their actual physical bodies).
Harrow braces her own weak limbs with bone constructs. I’m inclined to make the assumption that she does this regularly/for daily activities, not just when she needs to fight in HtN. This could all be explained away by the fact that she specializes in bone: of course she’ll think of a bone-related solution to her problems. But what if it’s also a bone problem? I’m not saying there’s textual evidence for this beyond Harrow bending her fingers backward to the point of dislocation when she’s nervous in HtN. I still think it would be fascinating if part of a necromancer’s ability was connected to their own body’s weaknesses. (This probably doesn’t hold up with spirit magic, sorry.)
Could Ianthe be so exquisite with flesh magic because her own flesh and blood are virtual beacons for thanergetic decay? I’ve talked about chronic illness as a potential well of thanergy a necromancer can dip into, but here I’m thinking about a one-to-one relationship between a physical illness (e.g., anemia) and a necromantic specialty (e.g., blood/flesh magic). Back to Ianthe and how she presents herself. Leaning into looking unsettling is absolutely an emotional response to people making enough comments about your unsettling appearance, but I wouldn’t put it past Ianthe to have made a connection between whatever is happening with her physically and her necromantic skillset, to the extent that it’s now a point of pride. Yes, she’s gross and physically weak. Maybe that in itself allows her to be such a prodigious necromancer. I can’t imagine how frustrated she was growing up in Coronabeth’s shadow, as much as she tries to make it seem like that was an entirely strategic move. She knows she’s not the good looking twin, and she knows people discount her because of that. This would be absolutely infuriating if Ianthe understood that the things that made her unattractive (anemia, chronic illness, non-specific necromancer syndrome) were LITERALLY the reasons why she was the necromantically gifted twin.
I’m clawing at the walls of my enclosure.
Let her be as gross as she WANTS, let her look physically disgusting and create flesh constructs that you can’t even imagine. Let her do all of this because illnesses are only allowed to present one specific way in women, and if you’re not ill in the tragic romantic damsel-in-distress way then you sometimes get treated like a freak. Ianthe is that freak, and I hope she gets worse ;)
#this turned into a sermon my bad#i’ve never thought this hard about ianthe but now I will#the locked tomb#tlt#gideon the ninth#harrow the ninth#nona the ninth#ianthe tridentarius
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So I get the feeling that a lot of fandom agrees that Bella immediately being the most perfect vampire is just… not very compelling writing, yeah?
Smeyer tried to ramp up conflict with external factors (Bella worrying she’ll want to mail her own daughter, Charlie visiting right away, coming across the hiker’s scent) but they all dissolve into non-issues so quickly that it turns into more fawning over how exceptional she is. Good for her, boring for readers
I don’t actually hate the “I was born to be a vampire” sentiment, I think it had potential, but having it manifest as “I was born to be an extremely human-friendly vampire” is a little odd. I feel like it would be just as rewarding to have her be an excellent vampire— powerful gift, strong and fast even for a newborn, even great control over the bloodlust, ymmv— but provide also a little narrative balance by having too much of a good thing.
This could mean she has a new, equal-but-opposite “clumsiness”: Clumsiness comes from a lack of control/awareness/stability in the limbs, right? Her proprioception and reflexes were off as a human. So as a vampire, why not have the pendulum swing in the other direction? Make her have a hard time dialing down the uncanny inhuman demeanor. She has a harder time at playing human than most vampires. She’s always forgetting to visibly breathe, sigh, fidget, etc. Her movements are a little too fast, a little too lithe. She’s always crushing stuff in her hands.
Idk. Just. Something to make her a little monstrous, even if it’s not the typical struggle of the bloodlust (though that’s not a bad option!). “She got everything she ever wanted with no repercussions or drawbacks” wasn’t remotely satisfying or interesting
#maybe her gift strengthens in a way that makes her a danger to be around! idk idk#twilight#hoa5#bella swan#twilight renaissance#Emmett keeps a running tally of the doorknobs she crushes#when possible he keeps them and stashes and turns them into a sculpture as a gift for her first anniversary as a vampire#good morning have a rant!
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romantic yandere concept for hawks (my hero academia)?
Yandere! Hawks Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective/Possessive behavior, Stalking, Manipulation, Coercion, Kidnapping, Jealousy, Abuse of power, Gaslighting, Mentioned murder, Blood, Isolation, Hypocritical behavior, Consensual relationship turned forced.
Hawks, upon doing some research on him, has some pretty decent yandere potential.
I say this because pretty much all of his character is based on deception.
For all his life he's learned to deceive and read other people.
He's a spy, one who knows how to play it casual and get his job done.
Which means... Such skills make him perfect yandere material.
You'd know him as charismatic and laid-back, no doubt unaware of his motives.
Hawks would definitely act like some sort of 'best friend' towards you as his obsession.
He acts jovial yet casual, sticking close to you as you chat.
In reality... Hawks is one of the most equipped characters to stalk their obsession.
Think about it, he's meant to be a spy.
He may be talkative and friendly around those he likes....
But he's always alert.
It's often said that Hawks stays alert, even when acting nonchalant.
Such behavior catches people off guard.
When around you he remembers every little word you say, even coaxing you to say certain things he wants to know.
You never pick up on it but Hawks can learn about your interests fast just by sneaking certain questions into conversations.
It's also said he can use his feathers to predict movements and speech...
So of course he masks his behavior around you or others by fluttering his wings a bit... In reality he's always searching.
Hawks is very vigilant.
Hawks is a man who is much faster than you... plus, he knows a liar when he sees one.
Which means if he ever kidnaps his obsession or manipulates them into dating him...
He's going to know you more than yourself... and escape is just near impossible.
He always seems relaxed and calm, too.
It's almost eerie when he confronts your plans to escape him with a smug smile, not quite looking angry.
Just... amused.
Hawks even has quite the offense with his quirk... keeping things quick.
While fully capable of kidnapping, there's a good chance he won't need to do that.
Hawks is the number 2 hero.
While he doesn't typically enjoy the high ranking at times, it gets him a lot of trust.
There's a possibility he could convince you to date him without needing to try overpowering you.
His popularity and strength is enough.
He still wants to be a hero, always has been as a kid even though his work forces him to play dirty.
I can imagine Hawks keeping an eye on you even if he'd needed on a spying mission.
He always manages to excuse himself at the right time to find you.
He makes it quick... watching you from a distance and eavesdropping on your conversation.
He's always been good at pretending he's uninterested.
In reality he definitely listens to your every word, even if you're just talking to friends or coworkers.
Hawks definitely breaches your privacy, he's just good with pretending he doesn't.
Even if you caught him in the act... There's a good chance he'll try to manipulate you into thinking you didn't.
You trust him, don't you?
He was just looking for something... or happened to be in the area!
Yet you probably won't catch him doing anything suspicious like stalking....
He's too quick, everyone says that.
Hawks is fast and would get his act together in an instant.
Then he'd go back to being your best friend... or the lovable boyfriend he usually is.
Speaking of which... Dude is smooth with confessing.
He invites you to meet him somewhere and probably leans you against the wall, telling you he's been fond of you for a while.
He's really attractive... and distracting... so you may just say yes to give things a try.
Since then he just... never lets you go.
Hawks seems like he'd smother his obsession in cuddles, the whole time distracting you from what he truly does.
Hawks is already deceptive.
Him being manipulative to the one he loves isn't entirely out of the question....
After all, he wants you safe, right?
He doesn't entirely enjoy lying to you...
But is it lying if he just never brings things up?
Hawks may be a jealous person, too.
He likes the idea of you being all to himself, his little bird safe in the nest he prepares for you so lovingly...
By nest he just means his house...?
Yet, y'know, bird things.
Which is why he has a hard time seeing you out and about with people.
He knows he'll be fine if he keeps an eye on you... but...
He works with villains sometimes...
You could get targeted, couldn't you?
Hawks doesn't quite enjoy locking you in your (now shared) home.
It reminds him of his past....
In fact, it's disturbing how close his mindset is to his father's around you.
Locking you away won't make you happy....
This is why Hawks tries his best to just stick around you.
He tries to distract you from what he does.
You don't know of him tracking your every move... of listening to every little thing you say to people...
You don't know he spies and kills others to keep people safe.
Each time you are perceptive enough to see some blood... He simply says it was an accident.
No one died...
Even though there's a good chance they did.
Hawks doesn't seem to enjoy lying often despite being skilled at it.
Despite this, he is aware it's necessary.
He's phenomenal in the art of lying.
So much so he hopes you never find out the truth.
But if he slips... or you're perceptive enough to notice things...
Hawks knows what he needs to do.
If you try to break up with him, saying you can't trust him anymore, he tries to coerce you into staying.
After all, villains will know you were once involved with him...
You'll be a target.
Yet if you're still insistent, if you don't believe his loving words and still wish to leave him...
He pretends to let you go... giving you a sad smile...
Before swooping in and pinning you down, whispering an apology before dragging you back to your shared room.
Hawks doubts you know how serious the situation is.
He does all this to keep you safe, to keep the people safe.
He doesn't like it... but sometimes people need to die to save others... and sometimes...
You need to lie to keep those same people safe.
Hawks still acts like your boyfriend even when he keeps you trapped.
He buys you gifts to pamper you, spoiling you.
He tries to cuddle you, even when you push him away.
He tells you he's always loved you... Even to the point of doing this to protect you....
It's obvious his childhood has affected him in a way that isn't normal.
He himself was once sheltered for his own protection.
Now he's doing it to you, yet he'll never admit it.
When you ask him questions, he tries to be honest.
There's no point in lying now, right?
He admits he watches you, he admits he's meant to be a spy this whole time...
Yes, he has killed before, even to protect you...
But... He'd never hurt you.
This... doesn't make things better.
Not in the slightest...
Yet with how tight Hawks holds you... and how much he watches you...
It's not like you're going to be able to leave without having him catching you like a mouse.
He knows he's lied to you... that he's breached your trust....
Despite it all, he hopes you'll forgive him...
Sometimes a bit of deception and bloodshed is needed to protect what you care about the most.
#yandere my hero academia#yandere mha#yandere boku no hero academia#yandere bnha#yandere hawks#yandere keigo takami#yandere hawks x reader
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Bucky shoves his hands in his pockets as they walk, keeping pace with Tony and having to hide his smile at some of the things he said. Chicken salad from a diner felt like a crime honestly, and he nods in agreement, “oh yeah, most healthy options at a diner feels like it goes against some kind of diner etiquette,” he chuckles, giving a nod to the security officer as they walk past him.
Once they’re out on the street, he realizes that going out at night meant he didn’t feel the need to pull his hood up or try to hide his face. The lack of people milling about and the lack of potential cameras flashing made him feel a lot less anxious about going out and he breathes a bit easier as they walk further away from the Tower. But then Tony’s question brings a blush to his cheeks and he has to figure out how he wants to do this. Tony’s disclaimer made him realize he pretty much felt the same way. He didn’t feel the need to keep secrets at least he doesn’t think so.
“I can promise I won’t lie and I think I want to put everything on the table too. I don’t know exactly where this conversation is going to go but I can’t see you asking me anything that’s going to warrant me saying it’s over the line and refusing to answer. If you want to know something, I’ll tell you, I mean i guess that’s the whole point of this conversation. And the short answer to your question is..is the internet.”
Bucky remembers those nights, he had just started trying to figure out his sexuality because Steve had asked if he still felt the same as he had back before the war. It was a fair question, after everything with HYDRA and the conditioning, there was no telling what that did to his mentality and his personal preferences. Bucky hadn’t been sure, but Steve made it clear that in the current age, there was no need to hide whatever his preferences ended up being if they weren’t the norm. So when Bucky had his nightmares and was up for the night, he would pull open his laptop and just type his random questions into Google.
“It started because I was trying to figure out my sexuality again. HYDRA….well they fucked me up, in more ways than you probably think. So after talking a bit about it with Steve I just..wanted to do my own research. I had a lot of time on my hands at night because I never sleep very well, so I would use google and it started with me typing in questions about sexual preferences and there was a night i dived down into gender identity even. But most nights I would always end up looking more into BDSM once I figured the preference thing out, and I know I always enjoyed a..power struggle, and so learning about the different kinks and different ways of being dominant or submissive, it made me realize i liked a lot more than I had even known. And most of the educational sites I found always had a huge emphasis on aftercare, the importance of it and the different ways to do it. The main thing I picked up though is that it depends on the person you’re with, on what they need after being..roughed up. And that it’s important for the dom too, because of….dom drop? I think that’s what it’s called?” Bucky shrugs as they walk, glancing over to Tony to make sure he was making sense and wasn’t confusing the man. “I became very good at making sure to clear my search history,” he chuckles before thinking of what he wanted to ask.
“My first question has got to be, what the hell do you think should happen now? I think it’s safe to say we completely changed the association, but do you want to just go back to being colleagues, without the harsh digs every time we work together? Or do you want to try and be friends and pretend it never happened? Or are you open to the idea of something…more? I have no idea what ‘more’ would be but i’m open to figuring it out with you,” he confessed.
Bucky wishes he had a better change of clothes. Tony looked good, better than good, and if it wasn’t for this stupid metal arm he would just be in his black t-shirt and jeans without the hoodie. But his metal arm drew the kind of attention he wanted to avoid. People tended to be on either side of the spectrum when they realized who he is, they either hated him or ‘loved’ him (the way they love celebrities they don’t know) and he hated both. He just wanted to be a normal guy, as much as that was clearly impossible. He nods as they walk out of the bedroom to the elevator, “Technically Saturday now but a 24 hour place sounds perfect”
Once they’re in the elevator he asks, “Do any of them sell breakfast all day? I’m kind of a sucker for breakfast, especially pancakes,” he explains absently, leaning against the back wall of the elevator and watching the numbers decrease as the descend. He usually cooked for himself so he hadn’t actually gone out much, he was still very unfamiliar with the city as it had changed a lot during his absence. Steve took him running sometimes but he hadn’t gone out to eat much really except when joining other people on the team.
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Please don't put your mental health at risk over some post on here, your art is good and very sweet either way and there's no need for you to force yourself to play the game if it's gonna make you feel bad. Watching playthroughs is fine too, the content of their relationship isn't gonna change anyway. Plus writing fanfic and drawing fanart is a hobby, you should do it in a way that's fun and enjoyable for YOU, it doesn't matter what others think it's best
holy shit holy shit thank u thank u kind anon!! so i've been crying a lil bit (in a good and appreciating and thankful way) after reading previous comments and your words as well. even though i'm an artist, not a ficwriter, i still relate to the take "fanfiction is funfiction" in a way that an author's pleasure and fun and positive emotions should be a top priority, not the audience's (i hope u get me cause idk how to put it in english :"D).
because i've seen really deprecating posts and comments about some categories of ficwriters and even artists. i think it would be really kinder to the community and to our content creators to talk about improving one's fanfiction quality in a suggesting way, not.. not in a deprecating and obliging and consumer-ish way, if u know what i mean? because fanfiction isn't a commercial activity and not a job, in most cases. it's not like ficwriters are obliged to their audience, i believe. and it's not like authors have to avoid things that are not really touched upon in the source material, such as religious guilt and etc. i think it's just wonderful to write about something (even ooc, even headcanon-ish, even trope-ish) because it's beautiful or relatable or because it's causing some cool emotions inside you. and because you, as an author, have fun. and because you love what you're doing, no matter what others say.
if i were a ficwriter, i would probably absolutely love to write about religious guilt in hansry because it relates to me SO much especially in my country and makes me feel something. something beautiful and something close to my heart. it's not historically accurate, yeah, but i would love to share my point of view on hansry with the world. so can you.
*ofc, it would be cool if hansry readers could be more suggestive and less deprecating, whereas ficwriters could also be gentle and put tags accordingly (and warn about potential ooc and religious guilt or top/bottom dynamic and etc) - so that kindness would be a two-way street, so to say!
i just really want to defend those ficwriters (and even artists!!! my fellows my guys!!) that fell under this wave of hate. please be free and enjoy what you love.
#hansry#kcd#kcd2#hans capon#henry of skalitz#kingdom come deliverance#kingdom come deliverance 2#jan ptáček#jindřich ze skalice#fanfiction#fic writers#fic writing#idk what else to tag#i hope someone just feels better after reading this post#I hope
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Do you have any good recs for fics that explore Adrien and Felix' relationship? Or ones that have Adrien find out about all of Marinette's lies and explore in depth his reaction to them (preferably ones that don't have them making up too soon)?
Your reclist awesome btw. I'm slowly making my way through it :)
Ooh thanks! Glad that my reclists have been useful for you!
There's a whole fandom dedicated to senticousins, you've probably seen a bunch of fics from them on my reclists. I'll link a few good ones anyway.
It Was Never That Funny by @cookiedough77
Adrien would like to think Christmas is his favorite time of year, and usually, it is. (or... i wanted to go off that theory that adrien was so terrified of marinette when she wore that cowboy hat in 'psycomedian', like he fully flinched, crazy right?)
I hadn't thought of this, but it does make sense that Adrien might have an aversion to people wearing cowboy hats due to being traumatized by Colt. He and Felix liked to switch places, after all.
I like how Felix showed some vulnerability to Adrien and even tried to comfort him after the experience, it was really sweet!
you could win a rabbit by @purplecatghostposts
Félix raises an eyebrow but obliges. He should probably get on with it before Adrien second guesses himself too hard and tries to take it back. Félix pulls the tissue paper out and squints at what’s inside. It’s— a plushie? He takes it out of the bag to get a better look at it. All of the air is stolen from his lungs the second he does. A rabbit plushie. A white rabbit plushie. (Or for Félix’s next birthday, Adrien teams up with Marinette to make Félix a rabbit plushie, much like the one he had as a kid. Old feelings Félix thought he buried return in full force.)
I loved seeing a potential backstory to the torn stuffed bunny we saw in the play in Representation, and Felix's reaction to getting another rabbit plush was heart-wrenching!
A Domestic Cold War by @unecoccinellenoire
Félix lives with a murderer. It’s not the first time. Unfortunately his cousin would never ever forgive him if Félix was to take Nathalie Sancoeur off the board.
I like the conversation Nathalie and Felix have here. They don't like each other (or well, Felix doesn't like Nathalie, Nathalie is just ambivalent about him), but they come to an understanding. It's interesting to see Nathalie's viewpoint on life and killing, and hear allusions to the things she was up to before she became Gabriel's secretary.
i'm worried 'bout the future by @purplecatghostposts
He edges closer to Adrien, lowering his voice to barely a whisper. “If it comes down to it, I’ll distract him while you run and hide the first second you get.” “What?” Adrien blurts, louder than Félix would like. His eyes dart to Argos but thankfully, he doesn’t turn around. Félix shoots Adrien a look to lower his voice and thankfully, his cousin listens. “You think we can’t trust him?” “He has the Peacock Miraculous.” Félix points out. “He’s from the future.” Adrien counters. “And Future Chat Noir trusts him so… Maybe we can trust him too?” (Or Chat Noir and a Peacock Hero from a decade in the future end up in the past and save their past selves. Félix is wary of whoever this ‘Argos’ is.)
I love time travel fics. Felix being really wary of the Peacock hero's deliciously ironic, something that Argos realizes and he doesn't. While Adrien's just happy to see his future self and completely trusts what Chat tells him. I loved how Argos was put out when he realized why his past self is afraid of him and trying to reassure him as best he can without giving away spoilers.
The Black Cat of the Family by Anonymous
To Felix, Chat Noir is freedom. Pure freedom, unhindered by anything (well, except perhaps a little too much dedication to Ladybug). He goes where he pleases when he pleases. He acts so ridiculous, like no one was ever watching, even when everyone was watching. He chafes at orders and authority, even when the orders are coming from Ladybug herself. He's free to be whoever he wants, in a way Felix only wishes he could be. So of course he starts flirting with the catboy. It also doesn't hurt that the superhero is easy on the eyes. Chat Noir, meanwhile, is simply trying to figure out how to reject his cousin without revealing his own secret identity. But when has anything in his love life ever worked out for him? Or, in other words: Somehow the Fathom-Graham de Vanily-Agreste family becomes even more dysfunctional in brand new ways.
This was fun, I liked the natural way Chat caught Felix's attention with his kindness, wit, and hidden depths. It makes sense why Felix would slowly develop a crush on him, while Chat just thinks that he's having fun with his cousin.
Also Chat's reaction when he realizes that Felix is, in fact, confessing his crush on him, is just priceless XD.
memtempsychosis by @bittersweetresilience
Félix is always watching Adrien die.
I love time loop fics, and this is no exception. Felix somehow gets trapped in a time loop with Adrien where no matter what he does, Adrien always dies by the end of the day by some manner, and then everything resets. I love how inevitable it all feels, the strange beauty to the prose when going over his deaths, and how you can feel Felix's increasing desperation throughout it all.
Blueberry Passion Fruit by @ninadove and @paracosmicat
He walked up to the counter, because he could not think of anything else to do. For all those times he had rehearsed their reunion, he had failed to consider the most obvious scenario: Adrien might want to run away once more.
I love Adrien just having run away, used a fake name, and then start working at a random cafe. Of course Felix still manages to track him down eventually. I loved seeing them talk things out!
Run Amok by @mirrankei
The more time a sentibeing spends away from their amok, the weaker that connection becomes. In time the magic of the amok, desperate to keep that connection, will move to an item that the senti is closer to. Adrien's amok is empty, and Felix and Duusu are on a frantic search to find the new item before someone else can get their hands on it. Without letting Adrien know any of this is going on, of course.
I really loved the concept of this fic, with the Amok moving, and seeing Felix's perspective was a treat! Especially with which item he suspected held the Amok. The senticousins' dynamic is always interesting to watch.
every wall that I knock down (is just a wall i'll replace) by @purplecatghostposts
Now it’s Félix’s turn. Adrien needs to know about his own existence before anything else and Félix wanted to have that conversation himself. Marinette didn’t argue when he told her as much. If anything, she seemed slightly relieved. Félix has been meaning to do it for a long time. Adrien had been at risk if he said anything before, not to mention it felt cruel to tell him when he would still have to bend to his father’s orders until the rings were retrieved. But Adrien wears his own amoks now, making his own choices with no one forcing him to do any of it. All physical risks are out of the way. Félix only needs to break it to him. The problem is that it never seems to actually be the right moment. (Or Post Season 5, Félix finally has the chance to tell Adrien about both of them being sentibeings and their family history. He’s not quite sure why his words keep failing him whenever he tries though.)
I love the analysis of Felix's thoughts and feelings about being a sentibeing, the psychological hangups that are preventing him from telling Adrien everything. I especially like how he doesn't even seem to realize HIMSELF what his problem is. Few people are able to really understand why they're reacting the way they are, why they feel the way they do, without either some deep examination or talking to someone.
sub-in by @purplecatghostposts
Wordlessly, Adrien slips the ring off his finger and offers it with an outstretched hand. Félix stares at it for a long moment, knowing in an instant what it is but processing what it means. “You can’t be serious.” Félix blurts out at last. Adrien, the traitor, can no longer fight the grin that stretches across his face. “Completely.” (Or Félix was still getting used to Adrien being Chat Noir, but now he must take on the performance of a lifetime and become Chat Noir. It’s more stressful than it sounds. Takes place in Season 2 of a Félix Joins Early AU.)
I loved seeing Felix's and Adrien's relationship here, they act a lot like siblings XD. Adrien's just a ray of sunshine while Felix is a grumpy cat, though he loves Adrien dearly. I love seeing Felix try out the catsuit, and also realize how VERY close his cousin is with Ladybug - and how good a sense she has for him. He's a good actor, but he didn't have time to fully study up on this role.
the monster who loves you by @purplecatghostposts
Mum nods, clapping her hands together. “Your brother is finally feeling better and is coming home today! Isn’t that so exciting?” Félix pauses mid-bite, processing her words. Mum waits expectantly, as if expecting him to jump for joy, or his equivalent of it. But… Félix doesn’t have a brother. (Or Félix’s brother is a monster, but only in the most literal sense. Félix’s father is a monster despite being very, very human. He learns to navigate the world through these two truths.)
I loved how this story emphasized the differences between different kinds of monsters - the type who inhabit horror stories, who look terrifying, and the mundane, human sorts of monsters who are often the most dangerous. And how monsters can choose to act humanely, while humans can choose to act monstrously.
Me and You, We're Roses of Blue by fennieaile
For centuries, the blue rose has represented mystery, royalty, and that which is unobtainable. Why? Because the blue rose is artificial. Unnatural. So close to being real, but not quite. The unfortunate, disappointing result of humanity daring to challenge the natural order. And for some reason, Felix Graham De Vanily can't stop thinking about it. Meanwhile Kagami Tsurugi, despite everything, thinks they are wonderful. And Adrien Agreste, who prefers his roses red, is just here for a good time. (A story in which Felix reflects on his childhood, his relationships, and the nature of what's artificial and what's real.) (Alternatively, a story where the ideal date is destroying a dead man's property in the name of art, and two cousins who are actually brothers' bond over one truly terrible joke.)
I love Felix's and Kagami's introspective talks, with Felix reminiscing about the past - both the good, and the bad. He still has trouble believing that his life is this okay now, and especially that the class (and Marinette in particular) are actually friendly with him. Him and Kagami deciding to destroy some of Gabriel's things is great.
I think my favorite part is when Chat decides to give Felix birthday greetings. Chat loves to mess with him and Felix just doesn't understand why. Chat apparently has a little brother he likes to do this sort of thing with, so why can't he got bother that guy instead?
Trapped by @trishacollins
Felix asks to visit Adrien earlier, worried that his twin isn't responding to him on their bond. Gabriel catches him snooping and makes some assumptions about why. It gets worse from there.
Damn, poor Felix. He came to try and help Adrien, but instead Gabriel stole his Amok, forcing him to obey his commands, holding him prisoner in his basement for months. If you want some quality Felix whump, this is the fic for you!
Found by @trishacollins
Chat Noir and Ladybug need to tie up some loose ends. Unfortunately, one of those ends is Felix.
This is a fantastic fic! It’s part of a wider series wherein Adrien and Felix were friends with Nooroo and Duusu from a younger age, but Adrien’s memory was wiped of it by his parents, but this is the first fic you really need to read. Basically, after the events of Emotion, Chat confronts Felix about what he did, and Felix confesses to being a Sentibeing, and Duusu reveals to Chat that he is one as well, leading to Felix cooperating with the heroes.
Of all the fics I’ve read that tackle the subject, this one does the best job of giving Felix a redemption arc for his actions in the season 4 finale, focusing not only on how he hurt the heroes, but the kwamis. I loved that he truly understood how much he fucked up with the situation he put the kwamis in, how much suffering he put them through, and that the kwamis were allowed to be angry at him for awhile afterwards, to be suspicious and untrusting towards him at first (and that Marinette was allowed to do the same). Felix screwed up and hurt people, and he had to really show that he understood what he did was wrong, why it was wrong, and try to help the people he hurt.
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"Season 7 was for Buck. Season 8 is for Bucktommy."
You really made a great point there, and in your whole post about that. I haven't thought about that before, but it makes perfect sense. The tone is definitely different in S8, and like you pointed out, even when we don't see Tommy in an episode, he often gets mentioned so that he will stay on the GA's mind as well. Hopefully that means a happy storyline for BuckTommy in the rest of 8b, and into S9. (Like you, I'm always cautious though, because with Tim as a showrunner you just never know, and he doesn't seem to have fleshed out plans, but rather often ruins things when spontaneous ideas jump into his head.)
Hi, Nonnie!
Thanks! To be honest, I also hadn't thought about it before, at least not like that. But I was rewatching Season 7, and it seemed so obvious. Tommy seems to have many new lawyers this season - and I'm sure part of that comes from Lou and his (excellent) acting choices, but a good amount comes from the writing itself.
There is a tonal shift, and it is clearer to see upon rewatch, and in my opinion, it does not feel like a negative shift. Rather, like this is something that matters. Like you said, hopefully it means a happy storyline for Buck and Tommy for the rest of 8b, though I'm cautious. As for Tim, he does things on impulse and things that make me question him, but this half of the season is seemingly picking up on things said during the first half, so. I'm cautious about that, too. I think, more than being careless, he is a bit impulsive, and when he has an idea, he goes the fastest route to get it done, and not necessarily the most logical one, you know?
Also! I've said it before, but I do believe (potentially) putting the reconciliation so close to the end of the season could be very intentional. This way, they can start next season with Buck and Tommy being a stronger couple, and we can just be told they worked on their issues during the hiatus. If they let Tarlos say their ILYs in between seasons, I am honestly expecting this to happen as well. We'll see!
My inbox is open for ranting, venting, giving your opinion (unpopular or popular, I'm happy to receive and discuss both), and even confessions! However if you don't want yours posted, please make sure to say :)
Take care <3
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Miss me?
writing and uploading something twice within the same month? unheard of
wc: 919
cw: car sex, semi-public sex, little rough, dirty talk, teensy bit of praise, p in v sex, unprotected sex (wrap that thang yall!), creampie, i think that's it..
The way Leon’s fingers gripped your ass was utterly sinful, blunt nails digging into your flesh just enough to add a light sting to the mind-numbing pleasure you both felt.
When he promised to take you out for dinner after being away for so long on a mission, you knew full well that the night would end with the two of you getting a little more than frisky, you just didn’t think that you would both get a little too impatient to wait the drive back to your apartment.
That’s how you ended up in the backseat of Leon’s car, hands gripping his shoulders in an attempt to ground yourself as he bounced your body up and down, your nails digging into his skin a lot more bitingly than his did to yours as the windows quickly fogged up. It felt so fucking good, and he knew as much. It was why he was so cocky about it, the filthiest of dirty talk spilling from his lips as he worked you up and down his cock.
“Fuck, you like that don’t you, baby? Like bouncing on my cock like this?” His words are met with a string of ‘yes’s and many other blissed-out curses that has him groaning at how needy you sound, his grip on you tightening. You were sure to have marks the shape of his fingers later from it.
“What part do you like about this the best, huh?” He asks in a breathy growl, not really expecting you to answer. He could tell from your expression, he wasn’t going to get much out of you any time soon. Except an orgasm, of course. Your was head tipped back, eyes screwed shut and jaw slack as you rambled about how good his dick felt. Fuck did it boost his ego.
“Like feeling me nice and deep inside you?” He continues, lifting and dropping you down in a particularly sharp motion that he worsens as he bucks his hips up into yours, his dick nudging deep enough to have your eyes crossing. “Or maybe you just like that anyone walking by can catch us, huh?” His words spark a dizzying amount of nervousness beneath the muddled mess that was your thoughts, but it's contradicted by the way you squeeze around Leon so tight.
Someone could walk by and just see you two. You hadn’t chosen the most secluded spot before you got fed up with not having Leon inside you, and while his windows were tinted, you were sure that the car rocking and your loud moans gave any potential pedestrians a clear image of what you were really doing.
You want to think about it a little more, maybe put a pin in the joyride and continue someplace that’s a little more private and protected.. but where’s the fun in that? Where’s the fun in thinking reasonably? You’d be lying if you said the potential of being caught didn’t arouse you in an inexplicable way, and you’d be lying even more if you said you had the capacity to think about anything other than Leon right now anyway. What was the point in thinking about anything other than your boyfriend fucking you so damn good in the back seat of his car after being gone for 2 weeks?
He seems to catch onto your line of thinking (or attempt at it) and gives you his own answer in the form of his hips snapping up into yours, stealing your attention right back. “Don’t worry baby, no one will catch us,” he soothes almost a little deceptively, his words like sweet honey in your ear when your grip on his shoulders falters in favor of your chest resting flush against his, your arms draped over his shoulders instead to hold him close as he works you.
He’s practically just holding you in place at this point, fucking up into you good enough to reduce you to whimpers and pleas. “I’ll make you come before anyone can.” The sultry promise is too fucking good, combined with the way he drills into you, it’s not your fault when it has you reeling, pussy clamping around around him as stars pop beneath your shut eyes, back bowing under the pleasure.
“Thaat’s it,” he drawls, still working his dick into you with more effort now, his jaw clenched tight despite the reverent way he gazes down at your shivering body, his own orgasm impending to match you own. “Look at you.” And he’s looking, that’s for damn sure.
The pretty little dress you had worn to dinner was all sorts of twisted and rumpled, the tights you had worn beneath were torn along with your panties so he could get to you, your hair was a mess, your cheeks were flushed and your eyes had this glaze over them when you had finally opened your eyes to look at him. You looked like sex personified and if Leon were a stronger man he wouldn’t have come. But he wasn’t and here he was, his hips stuttering to a stop as pearly white warmth spilled into you, his head tipping back with a throaty groan to accompany the sensation.
You both settle as he empties into you, chests heaving against one another as his grip on you finally softens, his fingers rubbing in a hope to soothe the ache that probably lingers beneath his touch. “So..” He starts, drawing your attention to the sly grin on his face. “Did you miss me?”
so what are you guys getting me for my birthday? :)
#leon kennedy#leon kennedy x reader#leon resident evil#leon kennedy smut#leon s kennedy#resident evil#leon smut#leon x you#leon scott kennedy
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